Swain approves Cobra Acquisitions payment agreement

Federal District Judge Laura Taylor Swain on Wednesday approved a stipulation agreement that would end Cobra Acquisitions' claim against the Public Electric Power Authority (PREPA) for work that helped restore the electrical grid after damage caused by Hurricane Maria.

Swain's decision came during a public hearing on Title III cases in Puerto Rico in September, the same day the judge also left in place the closing of the bankruptcy filing of the Urgent Benefit Fund Corporation (COFINA) until a technical issue that remains outstanding is resolved.

Nearly seven years after replacing Whitefish Holdings in the emergency work to restore power in Puerto Rico, Cobra will receive nearly half of the roughly $400 million it sent to PREPA.

According to Swain, the agreement that Financial Supervision Board (JSF) signed with Cobra with management approval. Pedro PierluisiMore than reasonable under bankruptcy law and does not undermine any rights that municipalities may have against the company for payment of building taxes or any other type.

Myrtle Frost

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