The Chicken or the Egg: Scientific Study Reveals Which Came First

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A scientific study has revealed what the first objects were universe and led to all subsequent creations. What came first was the “chicken or the egg” report, which was prepared from the revealed data The James Webb Space Telescope He studied the stars and constellations.

The statement Johns Hopkins University It is published in a special issue Astrophysical Journal Letters. The authors explain what primitive times were like and how the first celestial bodies formed. This new theory challenged well-known theories about the creation of space.

The Chicken or the Egg: Which Was the First Creation of the Universe According to Science Report

A published work from the researches of the famous telescope explains Black holes They formed the first stars and galaxies. These unknown goblins would have precipitated the birth of celestial bodies in the early period 50 million Years of the universe.

“We know these monstrous black holes exist at the centers of galaxies near us milky wayBut now the big surprise is that they were there at the beginning of the universe too and were almost like building blocks or seeds. The first galaxies“said the report's author, Joseph Silk, professor of physics and astronomy at the Sorbonne University.

This first work “acted as a tremendous amplifier,” the expert described Star formation“Hopkins University scientist justified its importance discovery: “It represents a complete shift from what we previously thought possible, to the extent that it completely changes our understanding of how galaxies form,” he warned.

A new theory suggests that black holes were the first creation of the universe.

Which study discovered the first creation of the universe?

The Sorbonne professor said, based on observations, black holes and galaxies coexisted in the first 100 million years of the universe. Conventional wisdom says that it formed after black holes Collapse of massive starsNew developments disprove this theory.

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“We argue that black holes are escaping Clouds of compressed gasturning them into stars, greatly accelerating the rate of star formation,” Silk noted: “Otherwise, it would be very difficult to understand where these bright galaxies came from, because they were typically small in the early universe.”

“These are enormous wind Gas from black holes crushes clouds and turns them into stars. It was him The missing link This explains that these first galaxies are much brighter than we expected,” the author concluded.

This advance allows us to conclude why ancient galaxies are so bright.

What was the beginning of the universe like, according to a new study from the University of Hopkins?

The team responsible for the research pointed out that the young universe had two phases. During the first phase, the exits Superfast black holes accelerate star formation, and then, in a second phase, these explosions slow down.

Silk described how he followed the natural flow of space: “After a few hundred million years big bangCollapsed due to gas clouds Magnetic storms Supermassive black holes and new stars are born after billions of years at a higher rate than seen in normal galaxies.”

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“At first we thought that galaxies formed when a huge gas cloud collapsed,” the scientist explained, but later he concluded that the origin of things was different.

“The big surprise was that there was a seed in the middle of that cloud – a supermassive black hole – that helped turn that cloud into stars much faster than we expected. That's why the first galaxies were so incredibly bright” , considered.

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In the early stages of the universe, black holes influenced the formation of stars.

What were the future developments of James Webb's invention of the telescope?

Scientists will use future web telescope observations, accurate counts of stars and Supermassive black holes In the early universe, help confirm their calculations.

Silk predicts that these observations will allow other experts to glean more clues about the evolution of the universe: “The big question: What was our beginning? The sun is one of the 100 billion stars in the Milky Way. There's a big black hole in the middle. What's the connection between the two?”

“Within a year we will have better data and answers to many of our questions,” the report's author concluded.

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