The Chinese Tianwen1 spacecraft sent its first image of the planet Mars. The period in which it will soften

The photo was taken from about 2.2 million kilometers, CNSA reported.

The robotic spacecraft fired one of its engines to perform an orbital correction on Friday and is expected to slow down before being captured by the planet’s gravity around February 10, the agency said.

The five-ton Tianwen-1 includes an orbiter, a lander and a rover that will study the planet’s soil.

China hopes to land the rover in May in Utopia, a huge pool.

China has invested billions of dollars in its space program and sent a man into space for the first time in 2003. The country aims to mount a space station in Earth orbit by 2022.

Mars has always been a challenging target, with most missions sent by the United States, Russia, Europe, Japan, and India.

Tianwen-1 is not China’s first attempt to reach Mars. A previous mission in association with Russia in 2011 ended prematurely because the launch failed.

China sends two probes to the moon, one of them will be the first to successfully land on the dark side of the moon

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Myrtle Frost

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