The City adapted the public space to accompany the return to school | News | Buenos Aires City

Just as a plan for sports, gastronomy was designed and transitory pedestrian areas were created in all Buenos Aires neighborhoods, education will also ensure that access to school environments are maintained, clean, disinfected and that they comply with the necessary distancing protocols. With the return to classes in person the Public Space of the City It is reconfigured once again and adapts to accompany the careful opening of the schools on February 17, 2021.

The City adapted the public space to accompany the return to school |  News |  Buenos Aires City

“We know how important it is to return to the classroom, therefore, we implemented a plan to ensure that access to schools for teachers and girls and boys is with all protocols and that school environments are safe,” he said. the Minister of Public Space and Urban Hygiene Clara Muzzio.

Actions developed by the Ministry of Public Space and Urban Hygiene in school environments

New use of the public space of the school environment:

  • Inside the Guide New Uses of Public Space An exclusive chapter on education was developed in conjunction with the Ministry of Education and the Secretary of Transportation.
  • There it is detailed how to expand the pedestrian space on the road to order the entrance, exit and waiting of the educational communities of each school, guaranteeing the distance between people and the orderly circulation of pedestrians.
  • It will be possible to extend the sidewalks on the street: it may occupy a maximum of the width of the establishment’s lot plus the neighboring lots if their owners agree.
  • With the aim of delimiting the extension of the path, security fences must be placed New Jersey type with water, traffic fences, cones or pots.
  • Rows may be demarcated on the sidewalks so that the students wait to enter safely:
    o Each row cannot exceed 50 seats.
    o The separation between the demarcations to wait for entry must be 1.5 meters.
    o The provision of collaborators along the line must be sought. One collaborator is recommended for approximately every 35 students.
  • Exceptions: It is not allowed to intervene in those streets where buses pass or that belong to the Heavy Traffic Network, there are parking restrictions or it is forbidden to park on the side of the extension.
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Traffic: total traffic cuts in school settings:

As of February 22, traffic will be completely cut off in the block of the 10 main educational establishments in the city. They will work during the hours of entry and exit of the students to the establishment and will be self-managed (that is, it will be carried out by the school personnel after training provided by transit).

The selection of schools was carried out in conjunction with Ministry of Education and Transport. For this, it was taken into account that they are public establishments, the population density of the area, the number of vehicles that circulate daily in the environment and the number of students attending.

List of schools:

  1. Normal School N ° 10 (Belgrano)
  2. Common Primary School No. 02 Australia (Villa Crespo)
  3. Esc. Normal Superior N ° 6 Vicente López y Planes (Villa Crespo)
  4. Common Primary School No. 02 Domingo Faustino Sarmiento (Retreat)
  5. Common Primary School No. 06 Dr. Guillermo Correa (Balvanera)
  6. Technical School No. 08 Paula Albarracín de Sarmiento (Avellaneda Park)
  7. Instituto Bernasconi (Parque Patricios)
  8. Common Primary School No. 14 Prov. Of San Luis (Nueva Pompeya)
  9. Esc. Normal Superior N ° 05 Gral. Don Martín Miguel de Güemes (Barracas)
  10. School N ° 1 DE 21 (Villa Lugano)

Cleaning and urban hygiene of the school environment

• Since Monday, February 1, we have carried out 860 cleaning and disinfection operations consisting of:
o Intensive washing and disinfection of sidewalks, driveways, baskets, containers and urban furniture – for example, bus stop or banks.
o Intensive sweeping of roads and sidewalks.
o Cleaning of beds.
o Maintenance and replacement of containers and baskets.
the 40 teams of personnel destined to the cleaning of school environments.
o Cleaning and disinfection is done with sodium hypochlorite (25 cc per liter of water).
o Disinfection is done at night or early morning, outside of school hours 2 times a week.

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Maintenance of the school environment

  • We reviewed and set up 472 school fronts (sidewalks).
  • More than 1,000 maintenance and cleaning operations for school corridors (storm drains, grates, drains)

Myrtle Frost

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