The court issued an arrest warrant against the former president of Hesperia WTC Valencia, Jose Rodriguez

The Court of First Instance of the Criminal Judicial Circuit Control of Carabobo State has agreed to issue an arrest warrant against the Spanish businessman and former president of Hesperia WTC Valencia, at the request of the Public Ministry. Jose Rodriguez Alvarez, He was investigated for several offenses related to the management and administration of the hotel.

The move was approved on May 20 and includes his son Marcos Rodriguez, among other investigative figures linked to the former president. The judicial action is due to alleged fiscal, financial, accounting and internal control irregularities that occurred in his last two years of administration alone, during which time more than $5 million in property damage was incurred. Shareholders of the company.

According to investigations, Rodríguez Álvarez took advantage of the trust he had in the hotel management to carry out various irregular activities behind the majority owners' backs that – apparently – did not generate anything from the property. Profit or Dividend.

The results of the partial investigations would have shown the management's irregular management through a network of companies, most of which were its properties, exclusive suppliers of the hotel, without the approval of the board of directors. It exposed high billing, high pricing and various anomalies, creating large sums of money for personal gain.

Similarly, the investigations revealed that only some of the company's income was declared and others were not accounted for, negatively affecting the company's partners – for many years – the hotel would show that it did not generate dividends.

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In addition, over one million dollars allegedly paid for free services including banquet services, rooms and food and beverages over two years were not authorized by the company's board of directors and used for their benefit. Public and Judicial Relations.

Apparently, Rodríguez Álvarez – through his lawyers – has approached various courts since last October 2023 and has continued to try to obtain assets with the aim of inciting fear to launch court attacks to the detriment of the company's majority owners. Other partners, after he left the presidency.

Apart from that, he would have threatened through these lawyers, claiming that he has control over the police and military formations, so he would try to subvert justice.

A fugitive from justice
According to reports, Rodríguez Álvarez, who has been detained in the past for fraud and is currently a fugitive from justice, is expected to make some arrests in the next few hours, as is his son. Attached in this case.

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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