The director of the Mexican company Stargroup reveals how he is developing his long legal battle against Elon Musk under the Starling brand.


21 September 2021 23:44 GMT

In 2018, Stargroup refused to sell the brand name to Muskin, and now his employer has vowed to continue to fight “to the end” to provide services such as American Startup: Satellite Internet to rural Mexican communities.

It is six years since the Mexican company Star Group registered the ownership of the ‘Starling’ brand in its country next November. It is currently submerged Prolonged legal battle with SpaceXFrom Elon Musk, launches its satellite internet service of the same name.

“With that brand [StarLink] We are familiar to all customers across the country. For many years, the brand has been used by Elon Musk, registered in many countries around the world. When they came to Mexico, The brand was busy“This week in detail Jose Aguirre Campos, director of the Mexican company, provides a satellite link to the US launch in the countryside.

The businessman said that SpaceX tried to buy him the brand, but he refused. “We have the brand in use and we told them it was ours We were not interested in selling it“, He said.

In response, in October 2018, the US company revoked the trademark in front of the Mexican Institute of Intellectual Property (IMPI). After two consecutive denials from the regulator, Muskin’s company went to executive court, which ruled against the Special Room Star Group over its intellectual property.

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“That room took months, years to make some failures, now, in a few days, Failure against us. Basically, with two arguments: We did not use the trademark, I registered it, not the company that uses it, “Aguirre explained.” In Mexico, everyone [sabe que] First you register the brand, then you do the company, then start. You can’t do it any other way, “he added.

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He added that the decision would remove the brand “Starling”, which sells satellite Internet services, and “give it to Starling, a company owned by SpaceX that sells satellite Internet services.” “It practically ‘makes me sit’“, He pointed out.

The Mexican company fears the lawsuit could last for years, but has no plans to sell its brand. “We will fight for the end result”, Promised Entrepreneur last August.

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Misty Tate

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