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The constitutional chamber of the Supreme Court of El Salvador (CSJ) released this Friday A ruling that would allow the current president to run for re-election immediately, allowing Naib Bukhele to run for a second term in 2024.
In the ruling, the judges ordered the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) to “allow a person who holds the office of President of the Republic and who is not immediately president in the previous term to run for a second term.”
The judges, who were appointed on May 1 after widespread criticism of the ruling Congress constitutional judges, overturned a 2014 ruling that barred presidential elections for the next 10 years.
The Constitution of Salvador says No one can be a candidate for the presidency who has held office “immediately or continuously for more than six months in the previous period”.
The judges said the 2014 interpretation was “wrong” and, in their opinion, The constitution allows a citizen to be president for a maximum of 10 years.
“Same article 152 Article 1 Who Allows a person to hold the office of President for a maximum of 10 years. Those 10 years should be used for the 1983 Constituent Assembly, if the people decide, “Continue”, read the sentence.
Collaboration: “It is illegal to promote the presidency or to promote re-election beyond 10 years, that is, beyond two terms.”
The judges also point to the merits of immediate re-election “The president running for a second term must apply for a license within the previous six months.” At the beginning of the next season.
I.e., If Bukele signs the presidency in 2024, he will have to apply for leave in December 2023 “Prohibition on taking advantage of election campaign status”.
This judgment of the judges is reversed This is part of a judgment dealing with the demand for the revocation of citizens’ rights To a Salvador woman who promoted the re-election of Buckley.
Previous room He accepted the case on the basis of Article 75 of the Constitution It points out that “those who support the re-election or continuation of the presidency or use direct means to that end are depriving citizens of their rights.”
Judges, who are legally questioned by social organizations and the opposition because of the way they are elected, pointed out that this article refers to citizens who have twice supported the presidential election.
Among the judges, a former adviser to Bukele’s administrator, a lawyer for the current director of police and a former commissioner of the Public Information Access Agency were selected by Bukele in the process in question.
Command, 40 years old, Won the 2019 presidential election First round and with wide advantage.
What else, Its popularity spurred the New Ideas (NI) party, Led by one of his cousins to get 56 of the 84 delegates to Congress.
See Not commenting on social networks, But some of his NI officials and representatives applauded the verdict and encouraged his re-election.
On June 2, when he ruled for 2 years, the president said he would not allow the country to retreat “God will give me strength for an organization that has plunged us into crime, corruption, inequality and poverty.”
(With information from EFE)