The government will open tenders to complete the Las Baras prison

The Government will open the bidding process for the completion of the Las Paras Correctional and Rehabilitation Center (CCR) located in the municipality of San Antonio de Guevara, through the Ministry of Housing and Buildings (MYD).

A press release said the so-called “Commission for Monitoring the Penal Reform Program” recognized “no objection” to the process and gave it permission to begin.

Report of the Technical Subcommittee, which includes engineering faculties of the Autonomous University, in a meeting chaired by Housing Minister Carlos Bonilla and President of the Commission to Monitor the Prison Reform Program, Jorge Subero Issa. Santo Domingo (UAST), Ibero-American University (Unipe), Technical Institute of Santo Domingo (Intec), National University of Pedro Henriques Urena (Unbu), Pontifical Catholic University Mother and Teacher (Pucm).

After the meeting, Bonilla promised to comply with the decisions of the Monitoring Commission of the Prison Reform Program and said that the tender for the restructuring of the work will be uploaded on the procurement and contracting portal in the coming days.

Meanwhile, Justice Subero Issa highlighted that the Monitoring Commission for the Prison Reform Program appointed by President Luis Abinador through Order 186-24 has accepted the recommendations of the technical sub-committee of the aforementioned universities.

“As the chairman of the commission, I am very satisfied with the contribution I have made to the country, I appreciate the support and hard work of the technical sub-committee, the many hours of work, the understanding and understanding of Minister Carlos Bonilla. His technical team was decisive in this,” he asserted.

For his part, Omar Segura, dean of the UASD Faculty of Engineering and coordinator of the Technical Subcommittee, said that this is not a forward step for the Las Barres tender so that the prison can run the population in La Victoria Correctional Center.

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About Commission

On April 5, Abinador issued Executive Order 186-24, which establishes that the Commission will cooperate with authorities related to the adaptation of the infrastructure recovery of Law to complete the legal, administrative and logistical procedures necessary for the authorization of the new Las Paras facility. Victoria and other specific duties assigned by the President.

The purpose of the facility is to reduce overcrowding at La Victoria National Prison and to dignify the conditions of those deprived of their liberty in the facility.

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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