The Granada City Council will demand a renewal of excellence as a city of science and innovation

The Granada City Council in the Local Government Council approved the application submitted to the Ministry of Science and Innovation to renew the Order of Granada as Science and Innovation Cityby a decision dated March 22, 2017, by which the commitment to “science and innovation as part of a new production paradigm” is officially and publicly adopted.

The agreement occurs once the Ordinary Plenary has approved a corporate declaration in which all groups with representation on the City Council endorse “an application for Granada to obtain renewed distinction as a City of Science and Innovation.”

The spokesman for the government team, Jacopo Calvo, specified that the request takes place as soon as the plenary session of the municipality has already been approved “In 2016, an institutional declaration in support of the accreditation of Granada as a City of Science and Innovation recognized by the decision of the General Secretariat for Science and Innovation of the Ministry of Science and Innovation on 22 March 2017, at that time Francisco Cuenca was the mayor of the city.

The spokesman sees this fact as “evidence of Granada’s commitment to science and innovation as a new production model for a long time,” work in which, according to him, “they see results such as standardization.” For an ecosystem around new technologies.

He focused in particular on the importance of renewing Granada as a city of science and knowledge at a time when, as he indicated, he was immersed in the candidacy of our city to become the headquarters of the government agency for the supervision of artificial intelligence.

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Myrtle Frost

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