The happiest country in the world is actively looking for foreign labor

Helsinki, Finland.

Top of the list “The happiest countries in the world”, Finland Are hard to find Foreign workers It will alleviate your Demographic crisis And solve their labor shortage Worst in Europe.

“It is now widely recognized that we need one Impressive number Help people (…) Cover costs From Older generation“, Explained to AFP Saku Tihveräinen, Headhunter Efficient solutions from the company.

Most Accidental countries To face The population is aging, But some feel the effect Scandinavian country From 5.5 million people, With the greatest deficit Skilled workers Within the OECD.

For every ten people who work there are four people over the age of 65 in Finland. By 2030, this ratio will rise to one in two, which is only behind Japan worldwide.

The government estimates that there is a need for that Migration balance Positive 20,000 to 30,000 Every year – twice as much now – to maintain General services and aging care At its best level and make up for the impending deficit Pension system.

After years of inactivity, companies and the government are “at a turning point They recognize the problem. “, Dice Charles Mathews.

Academia D in charge of research on education and migration Finland, Mathematicians were one of the experts consulted for the government program “Talent Boost” (Increase efficiency), Launched four years ago to increase The labor attractiveness of the country.

Among the professionals who have tried, are Spanish health workers, Slovak Metal workers, Computer scientists or Russian marine expertss, Indians or Filipinos.

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“Mood problem”

Its good public services and low level cConflict and Inequality, Finland Suffers to understand Foreign talent For its inconvenience idiom, Its climate and a certain closure Commercial tissue.

Ahmed (name changed) came to the country Family reasons And, there is also long experience in the affluent field of design Digital products, Job not available.

“It simply came to our notice then Lack of work, It is a Mood swings “, Says this 42-year-old UK, while looking for work Finland, Offers received from Norway, Qatar, United Kingdom or Germany.

He finally chose to work in the German city D டுsseldorf, He goes every week Helsinki.

“A large number of Finnish companies and organizations are highly affiliated with the Finnish application, and a Finnish very fluent “, indica Saku Tih verininen.

But “as the shortage of manpower worsens, companies are looking for others Solutions “Added this scout.

For example, he cites the case of a vast technology factory that employed a few people 2,000 people Ann Six months After I installednglés What Working language.

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At the same time, the mayor Helsinki, J .;A Wabawuri, mobilized for large communications companies Improve glamor and The disgrace of the city.

Make peace Singles are not a big issueBut it is difficult to attract couples and families because “spouses always have great problems finding a good job,” he explains.

Still, the mayor believes Asian immigration And the change in priorities caused by the epidemic, according to him, strengthened the values ​​of his city: “safe, functional, reliable and predictable”.

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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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