The impossible challenge of a new name in a country that does not accept change

Danna Paola at the FIBES Conference and Exhibition Center last November.  (Patricia J. Carcinuno/WireImage)

Danna Paola at the FIBES Conference and Exhibition Center last November. (Patricia J. Carcinuno/WireImage)

Artists should be very careful when choosing a name. They keep it forever, and generally, that's how people identify with them. However, the case Donna Paula It turns out that this is not always the case. And it also clarifies the main danger in wanting a new name in Mexico: no one takes it seriously and the old name continues to be used. That's what the singer and actress are facing, and they want to stop being known now Donna Paula And likes to be called Danna to dry

This matter provoked a strong controversy in social networks, because Danna Paola started a campaign to change her name on all platforms, but on Twitter (now called X, which will be useful later) she found an unpleasant surprise: Danna's @ is already occupied and the owner doesn't want to give it to her. This fact @: caused harassment against the lady who received thousands of insults and threats from the singer's fans.

This isn't a small issue: it could help rethink the toxicity that characterizes the relationship between fans and their favorite artists. Meanwhile, Dana Paula has been criticized for promoting this hatred after some audios went viral in which she claimed to be name-calling through broadcasting groups. He would not give in to her demands for money that she made @ him.

But it also serves to reflect how complicated it is to get used to a new name in any field. Mexico City has been officially known since 2016, however, it is repeatedly referred to as “TF”. Not the Federal District as before, but DF, an abbreviation everyone is used to: Residents and visitors from other communities and other countries. Even after eight years, I still haven't forgotten that name. – Actually CDMX is more common than Mexico City.

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The same applies to INE, which today already enjoys great recognition with that name, but was previously called IFE, and they fought to stop people calling it that (it has had that name since April 2014, which means some changes in its laws). The same applies in the business sector. Bimbo's bread, El Negrito, is one of the most popular products in Mexican sundris. The name has racist origins and was later changed to Nito starting in 2016. But the most common thing in Mexican restaurants is for the customer to order “un negrito” to refer to this sandwich. – It's just routine.

BBVA can tell its story too. In 2000, this Spanish company bought the Mexican bank Bancomer, which is why they mixed their names: BBVA Bancomer. This is how they were known until 2019. Many used the full name, but the most common practice was to simply call it Bancomer. But then came the formal change and the whole campaign to use only BBVA. This is the date that many people use Bancomer. BBVA is everywhere with sponsors. How hard is it to beat a habit?

Against this background, Danna Paola may have a hard time getting Mexicans used to her new name. Especially if this phase has already started with a controversy that puts it in the eye of the hurricane. If anything can be learned from the lessons cited, it's that sometimes it's better not to make changes. So I can stop fighting @ on Twitter. Sorry, in X.

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Gillian Patton

"Tv aficionado. Lifelong communicator. Travel ninja. Hardcore web buff. Typical music geek."

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