The Mayor thanks 10 researchers from laboratories in Europe and the United States for their participation in the first Jerez Scientific Meeting – Jerez City Council

the mayor of jerez, María José García Pelayo was received on Monday in the Noble Hall of the City Council Researchers who will participate on Tuesday, October 8, in the “I Jerez Science Meeting.” New pathways against cancerWhich will be held in the La Atalaya Museums, and will issue a document that will be a reference called the “Jerez Declaration against Cancer”.

In her speech, the mayor thanked the scholars of Jerez for their participation, stressing:“The exceptional nature and quality of this day” He claimed “the role of Jerez scientists in the study of cancer and their great daily work, which puts Jerez on the research map, also as a reference city in this sense.”

García Pelayo, together with the coordinator of the Jerez Scientific Meeting, Pepe Soto, explained that at the 2024 Health Expo “Pepe Soto presented to us a project that was a dream, and now it has become a reality, and we made ourselves available for it.” From the government team and We are proud that Jerez is a meeting place of this quality and this scientific level“.

The Spanish Cancer Society is organizing this event in collaboration with the Jerez City Council, the Cádiz Provincial Council and other entities such as the Andrés de Ribera Foundation and Yeguada de la Cartuja, and with the support of the companies Instituto Charbel, Bring and Alcázar. Serving food.

The mayor was accompanied by deputy mayors Antonio Real and Susana Sánchez Toro, delegates José Ángel Aparicio and Yesica Quintero, president of the Spanish Cancer Society of Jerez and representatives of companies cooperating with the event, in addition to the journalist. Paco Lobaton, his assistant.

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Garcia Pelayo He thanked the work of the Spanish Cancer Societywhich was chaired in Jerez by Teresa Díaz Sánchez, for the push it has made for the care of people afflicted with this disease, in developing activities aimed at raising funds for research, as well as in raising awareness among the population regarding prevention and early detection of any anomaly that may require medical attention. All this with the aim of improving the quality of life for cancer patients and their families alike.

In this sense, the mayor particularly thanked the association for “Continue to convey the positive message that the disease is survivable “It is worth the struggle” and the presence and participation of companies and collaborators in this meeting.

In this way, María José García Pelayo welcomed to the City Council the researchers who will participate in this meeting, most of whom are from Jerez or who have a close relationship with Jerez and who carry out their scientific work in prestigious laboratories in Jerez. Europe and the United States: Marta Puyol, Jesús Corral, Alejandro Bertolet, Irene Felipe, Macarena Fernández, Alejandra Guerra, Sandra Hervás, Paloma Martin Bejarano, María Rosa Durán, and Mercedes Nieves Morion.

Mayor He thanked them all “for their cooperation on this day.”His generosity in sharing his knowledge with all citizens and his willingness to meet the information requirements of the people who will attend the ten presentations and seminars that will be held.”

Likewise, García Pelayo highlighted the exceptional nature of this meeting with regard to cancer research “because of the quality of the program, which will highlight the role that the men and women of Jerez play in this field of knowledge.” He also highlighted “the importance of this day for putting the city on the research map and highlighting the file of researchers in the municipality, who devote their lives to studying and contributing to science through their profession and their efforts to improve society.”

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We also mention that the afternoon session of the “First Scientific Meeting in Jerez” will target students in the fourth year of the ESO and the first year of the Baccalaureate. In this sense, the mayor celebrated that “this day contributes to promoting new scientific careers among male and female students.”

Event organizer, Pepe Soto, thanked “the Mayor and her team for the facilities that made this dream a reality. I feel overwhelmed, excited and overwhelmed by the support, and I would also like to thank the sponsors and Paco Lobaton logically.” “For their distinguished cooperation.”

Jerez from the perspective of “scientific innovation and hope”

“This meeting will contribute many things and Jerez will be presented from another point of view, apart from its traditions, and also from the perspective of scientific innovation, future and hope. “We believe that we are facing a once-in-a-lifetime meeting, and Jerez will be the spearhead of oncology research in Spain,” said Pepe Soto.

From the City Council, the Mayor invited researchers, university professors, students, health workers, people suffering from illness, volunteers, family members and the general public to attend these days of great importance to the city.

(Photo and program attached).First Jerez Scientific Meeting. New pathways against cancer').

Myrtle Frost

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