The Netflix platform, as part of its monthly content update, added to its list a Spanish production based on true events that has already surprised more than one viewer and is gaining more views.
It is produced from the year 2024, it seeks to demonstrate the illegal works that go under the corruption through a continuous display of events that occur between current fiction and archival material, which allows us to understand how the construction was and its moment in the economy of Spain.
We're talking about the movie “El Corrio” by Daniel Culbarzoro, screenplay by Patsy Amezcua and Alejo Fla, starring Ivan Marquez, which will make you feel helpless at times, and at other times make you understand what the whole operation of money laundering is like. Growing faster each time. Dare to dive into this story full of lies and threats?
Mail on Netflix
This production immerses us in the life of Aaron Piper, a valet parking (car park) from the city of Vallecas, who has a better salary and an exit from his neighborhood that was too small for him. To do this, he pretends to be a Belgian resident.