The Pasaia Port Authority is handing over 26,000 square meters of recreational space to the municipality

This summer, the Pasaia Port Authority (APP) completed its goal of integrating the port environment with the municipality through various projects.

Madrid. In the summer months a milestone is reached for the city of Basaya Gipuzkoan. After more than 10 years of urbanization work, the construction project of Lunga New District Incorporated into San Pedro District has been completed.

Specifically, on July 28, the Pasaia Port Authority (APP) officially presented the new 16,222-square-meter public plaza located on the port’s Lunga deck, “dedicated to the use and enjoyment of its neighbours,” which commenced operations in October 2022.

The new natural space has a green slope that allows the planting of different types of trees. In addition, it contributes to the closure of the Lunga building and the creation of a facade with a strong environmental load and high urban quality, because it reduces the visual impact of the western façade along the Esenapid Kalia.

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Another positive aspect of the work has been the expansion of the sidewalk on Sanabid Street, as well as the incorporation of an area with benches, shaded structures, and a playground for Pasaia children. “Through this action we seek to establish a relationship with the surroundings of Pasaia Bay, striving at all times to maximize the urban integration of the building and try to return to the place the landscape and environmental values ​​that the old building had hidden from the area for years,” points out the head of the authority Philistine in Pasaia, Joaquin Tellerea.

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As detailed in the application, maintenance of the aforementioned space will become the responsibility of the City Council from 2024 onwards.

+3000 m2

To this public square, we must add another 3,000 square meter space located next to the Lunga building, which opened in May 2022.

The yard works were carried out in two different phases. The first took a total of two years, from 2019 to 2021, and the second started in September 2021. In total, the construction budget for the arena amounted to €1.95 million, with 77% financed by the Provincial Council of Guipuzcoa and 23% by the Port Authority.

The 16,222 square meter arena and 3,000 square meter arena together have a budget of nearly four million euros, funded by the Pasaia Port Authority, the Guipuzcoa Provincial Council and the Basque government.


Also, since May of this year, Pasaia already has a new 7,000 square meter rooftop space of La Herrera West stores. The budget for this space is 1.2 million euros, financed by the Diputación with the aim of providing a new pedestrian space for the surrounding citizens.

This square is paved with a large central garden and is surrounded by pergolas that act as a visual screen to separate the urban area and the port area, as well as create a shaded room. It also contains a play area for passing boys and girls, to which will be added later an automated toilet and a covered kiosk that can be used in social and cultural events. This project already started in 2016 with the construction of a pedestrian and cyclist route linking the Euscotrin station in the district of Herrera with Trentxerbe, to which was added in 2019 the construction of warehouses for grain storage.

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In this way, with the completion of the new public square on the roof of Lunga, the application made available to the city of Pasaia about 26,000 square meters of recreational space if these three projects mentioned are added, with a total budget of about six million euros.

Myrtle Frost

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