The Perseid meteor shower will light up Puerto Rico's skies tonight.

As recently as last Sunday, some Strange electrical discharges were directed into the atmosphere. They were seen in the south of the island. This phenomenon was captured by Caribbean Astronomical Society (SAC) and by many citizens who reported seeing “giant planes” or “giant aircraft”. Tonight, the sky will once again be colored by a spectacle of nature, and if you keep your eyes fixed on the sky, you can appreciate it fleetingly. meteor shower.

These are the Perseids, also known as the Tears of San Lorenzo. According to National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA, in English) This event is caused by fragments of Comet Swift-Tuttle, which orbits between the Sun and outside the orbit of Pluto.

Every year, Earth passes through a vast expanse of debris ejected from Swift-Tuttle. These pieces appear as tiny beams of light that light up the sky, like a shooting star.

Although sightings have been reported in recent nights, SAC noted that activity will be best seen from Sunday night through early Monday morning, when the “peak” of the event is expected to occur.

Myrtle Frost

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