The Perseids: A very impressive meteor shower will peak tonight

Christian tradition says that on August 10, 250, San Lorenzo was burned alive. Such was the ordeal experienced by the Roman saint that – when it coincided with the date – it is believed that his tears turned into a loving meteor shower. Perseids.

The Perseids occur between July and September each year. This event is one of the most popular and anticipated by night sky watchers because, during its peak activity, you can see Many bright and fast meteors streak across the night sky.

A Perseid meteor streaks across the sky above desert pines in Nevada’s Spring Mountains National Recreation Area on August 13, 2015.

debt: Ethan Miller/Getty Images

This year’s meteor shower has already begun, as it did on July 14; However, the good news is Continues till September 1According to the American Meteorological Association.

This year 2023, the Perseids are expected to peak in mid-August, specifically August 12 or 13.

Unlike last year, this year 2023 its appreciation will be total It is not obstructed by the full moon.

What are Perseids?

There are Dust particles from Comet Swift-Tuttle, which is over 16 miles in diameter. By moving away from the comet’s structure, some of them can reach the size of a rice, marble or tennis ball.

When these objects suddenly collide with the Earth’s atmosphere, they disintegrate and the glowing trail emerges with the appearance of a shooting star.

He Swift-Tuttle It completes one orbit around the Sun every 133 years, with the last recorded approach in 1992. As it approaches our star, it heats up and releases jets of gas and small rocks, which collide every summer. The sun is the earth’s atmosphere.

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Where do the colors you see come from?

The comet’s debris enters the atmosphere Earth is about 36 miles per second. This velocity reaches the particles because the friction with the atmosphere is so strong 41,000 degrees Fahrenheit In a fraction of a second, they disintegrate, ‘drawing’ that intermediate path.

When velocities burn together with its elemental composition or any metal, they appear in different colors in the meteorite. Some contain high amounts of sodium, magnesium, iron or silicon. There are also bright shooting stars Bright and durable tail.

How and where to watch?

Unlike other astronomical events such as eclipses, Perseids They do not discriminate geographically, I mean, anyone around the world can enjoy this view, you just have to look at the night sky.

However, it is only in the Northern Hemisphere that the radiant position in the sky or constellation is favourable.

Experts point out that the radiation is located in the Perseus galaxy. There will be hours in the early morning when it will be highest in the sky, which will increase the number of visible meteors, but in reality they will be visible in variable amounts throughout this 2023. August 12th Saturday and 13th Sunday night.

As the viewing range of the sky is reduced, a telescope is not required for its observation.

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Eden Hayes

"Wannabe gamer. Subtly charming beer buff. General pop culture trailblazer. Incurable thinker. Certified analyst."

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