The Plaza 10 de Mayo has more than 60 years giving space to the Monument of the Mother

Photo: Lorena Martínez / EXPRESO.

BEAUTIFUL, THEY ARE.– The Plaza 10 de Mayo that houses the Hemicycle to the Mother, created by the sculptor Ignacio Asúnsolo, was inaugurated in 1960 on Gándara and Arizona streets in the Olivares neighborhood, where currently residents of the area visit it in the afternoons to exercise or walking their pets, and on weekends the children have fun in some of the games it has.

Ignacio Lagarda Lagarda, Hermosillo chronicler, pointed out that in 1945 a citizen committee was formed to make this monument, the sculpture that is inspired by the unconditional love of a praying mother was originally installed in the Plaza Emiliana de Zubeldía and inaugurated on May 10 of 1955 in an event, in the presence of hundreds of Hermosillo, led by Governor Ignacio Soto.

Later, in 1960, under the municipal administration of Cesar Gándara, both the statue and the hemicycle, which was built by Graciano Landeros Nuño, directed by the architects Gustavo Aguilar and Felipe Ortega, was moved to the Plaza 10 de Mayo and since then they have been there.

He pointed out that the metal children’s games were placed in the square in that same year, the square remained unchanged for some years until in 2010 Javier Gándara Magaña installed more modern plastic ones and later added devices so that the residents of the instead exercise.

What remains of the Plaza 10 de Mayo

Fortunately, the residents of this square have taken care of it so that it does not look as abandoned as others in the state capital. However, the passage of time and the use of games have wreaked havoc on them and at least the metal ones are already broken in some parts, and they have also been vandalized.

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You can also see that there are some trees that are completely dry, neighbors of the place commented that last year they took some hoses to the place and told them that they were going to put an irrigation system, but they only left the hoses lying on the site and no longer they returned.

This has caused many trees to be lost in the place. Another complaint that the users of the plaza have is an accumulation of garbage on the east side of the park, which has been going on for years; there, for some unknown reason, people from outside the colony come and dump garbage, dead animals and there was a time when syringes used in laboratory tests woke up there.

It is worth mentioning that inside the square there are two offices of the Ministry of Health, the Outpatient Center for Prevention and Attention to HIV / AIDS and sexually transmitted infections and the Directorate for the Regulation of Health Services and is attached to the facilities of the Maternal.

Faced with this situation, the neighbors went to the Outpatient Center for the Prevention and Attention of OAB / AIDS so that they could collect that bag with the remains of analysis because, apparently it belonged to them and it was their staff to collect the infectious material.

Currently in that place, which is cleaned from time to time by City Council Public Services personnel, is full of garbage.

Myrtle Frost

"Reader. Evil problem solver. Typical analyst. Unapologetic internet ninja."

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