The Reus City Council is studying the installation of a scenic space in the Sant Jordi park

Framed within the fulfillment of the Municipal Action Plan, it is expected to promote the large green areas of the capital of Baix Camp

The council has commissioned the study for the installation of a scenic space within the reform of the Sant Jordi park in the city. The project is within the framework of compliance with the Municipal Action Plan, which foresees promoting the large areas and green spaces of Reus.

Marina Berastegui, Councilor for Urbanism and Mobility, affirms that the plan in charge is “a technical document that should help us to reflect on how the park of the future should be and specify the necessary actions.” The document must include a preliminary plan for the implementation of a scenic space in the Plaza de Anton Borrell.

The scope of the Action Plan has an approximate area of ​​21,098 square meters. Within the Action Plan there will be a diagnosis that will analyze the current situation of the park, a study of accesses and limits, another study of longitudinal and transversal connectivity and, finally, a study for the implementation of a scenic space. In addition, there will be a detection of other action points and proposals for improvement and an economic investment analysis will be made.

In relation to the new outdoor scenic space, the plan foresees that it be multifunctional and versatile, suitable for scheduled shows, and other spontaneous ones, of music, dance or theater in addition to the current acts that are carried out, such as the Fiesta Mayor or the implantation of the circus without ceasing to be a park and not an auditorium. In the proposals, the accesses will also be valued, the fact that the enclosure can be closed before certain events but without ceasing to be public and open to the public.

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Finally, the program for cultural promotion will be taken into account as well as the requirements to keep the trees in good condition.

Myrtle Frost

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