The Short Space You’re Not In, by Francis de Carreras

Is there political space to the left of the PSOE? definitely. There has always been: PCE first, IU later. Is this space too wide? No, she never was, she’s between small and small. Until Bodemos arrived.

Is Podemos a party to the left of the Socialist Workers Party? I think not, falls into another orbit, into the orbit of populism and this ideology does not fit into the classical, perhaps senile, division of left and right. Were Peron and Evita left? Kirchner? Was it Chavez? and mature? Was it Fidel Castro? We will not get into the discussion on the question of political theory (and practice), it will take up too much space, let us leave it for another occasion.

However, in my opinion, this is the crux of the current dispute between Yolanda Diaz and Pablo Iglesias for the construction of Somar. Only part of the dispute, of course, because there are also personal interests and this is how the leadership of the Purple Party constantly brings it up. Podemos cannot be humiliated, they assert, which simply means that Irene Montero, the president’s girlfriend, cannot be humiliated. Let’s remember the great stage of North American film noir. Humiliating her means putting her on the electoral lists. There is also a certain Pilara, who is not quite sure what she looks like apart from being Montero’s sidekick when she is left on the congressional bench.

In populist parties, the only official is the president, Others must remain silent and obey their orders, even if this boss is for TV, which is unusual but perhaps has a future. There is no division of powers, there is unity of power and separation of functions. Do the elders remember this idea that was repeated at other times? Here we just lack NO-DO.

“The new politics is a false mirage, and the new parties are a complete failure.”

Well, for electoral reasons, some left-wing parties led by Yolanda Diaz and some populists led by Pablo Iglesias, although they are in the shadows, want to come together. Is this possible? Among Yolanda there are also some confused ideologues like Kolo followers (populists even if they don’t know it Because in fact they know very little) or those with whom they deal, tend to the Valencian nationalism that they try to hide (without success). Más Madrid or Más País, I don’t know anymore (that is, Errejón), was getting closer to the projects and ideas of the current vice-president of the government. Finally, IU, especially in her PCE part, is Yolanda Díaz in her purest form.

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truly, A somewhat indigestible shortening soup If it wants to move forward it has to unite under one leadership that knows how to bring together the different wings so that each adds different nuances. In essence, it should be a throwback to the old UI. The new politics was a mirage (it was not here to stay, as the cliché put it) and the new parties were a fiasco. But at least IU can get to twenty VPs, something.

I think the best thing for Yolanda Diaz is to lead a formation of this kind and The best thing for Iglesias is to remain the undisputed, nothing is discussed, leader of his current populist party.He encourages his family on TV and hopes for better times, at his age he can have a little patience.

In conclusion, in my view, given the reasonable long term, Yolanda’s classical left and Pablo’s populism cannot understand each other, they advocate different strategies even though they agree on some ideas. Now they can ally for practical electoral reasons (as I’m writing this article it hasn’t happened yet but when it is published the elective pact may already have been completed) but if that is the case then continued conflict is certain, Water and oil do not mix, decane does not fit in a chicken coop.

“Sánchez’s tactical move has done his second deputy an unfortunate favor.”

The hasty election call has exacerbated the situation, and Sanchez’s tactical move has rendered his second vice president a woeful favor. From now until December Soumar can be formed, and he is still on the project today, taking advantage of the planned Podemos disaster in the May 28 elections. It was the right moment if everything was done quietly. Now they are distraught and can do anything wrong, in fact the current conflict is already there.

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If I put myself in the shoes of the two leaders, I would choose to remain separate, I don’t know very well what Sumer will be, but to become something we can provideUnidas Podemos will remain under another name, the left (extreme, as Sanchez says) is not populist, it must be something else or be judged to be nothing, at best a flash in the pan.

The space left to the left of the SWP is inevitably short, scarce and can never be populist. It must have more influence than power, just as Yolanda Diaz exercised her functions in the coalition government. Listen again to the beautiful song by Pablo Milanes The short space where you are not To remember that in politics you should be and you should be. The party is not a fragile pair, and members and voters cannot be kept in a constant state of uneasiness with uncertainty.

Myrtle Frost

"Reader. Evil problem solver. Typical analyst. Unapologetic internet ninja."

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