the time has come to be part of FesTIC

Between September 22 and October 6, 2021 the call for the Festival of Science, Technology and Innovation-FesTIC, aimed at people between 14 and 28 years of age who reside in Cali, to be part of the panel ‘Young people in tune’. The objective is to present opinions, experiences and contributions on digital issues but, in addition, promote the District Science, technology and innovation public policy.

“Local youth can sign up through, filling out the registration form with all the established fields. Additionally, minors must send a letter of authorization from their parents or guardians to the email, in order to participate in the event ”, explained the director of the ICT Administrative Department, Teresa Cancelado.

For her part, Lina Marisol Romero, deputy director of Digital Innovation, indicated that those registered will make their presentation together with other young people. “Working together, they will generate contributions that contribute to the construction of proposals for the digital transformation of the city,” he added.

Once the proposals have been received and the registrations closed, the panelists who will be in this version will be selected, with the support of professional experts in the field, who will be in charge of evaluating the quality of the proposals and will notify the date by email or telephone. and panel space time.

The Cali Science, Technology and Innovation Festival It is organized by the TIC-Datic Administrative Department, through the Digital Innovation Subdirectorate and will take place in November 2021, with a hybrid agenda (face-to-face and virtual) by Facebook accounts: @TICAlcaldiaCali and @AlcaldiaDeCali.

What is the Public Policy of Science, Technology and Innovation?
It is a policy that has the strategic purpose of being a city planning instrument, which allows responding to realities and needs presented by the inhabitants of Santiago de Cali in the face of the use and appropriation of scientific, technological and innovative knowledge, in order to create new strategies, programs and projects to move towards digital transformation.

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It’s 2021 Festive it will be an opportunity to impact different sectors of the city. Likewise, it will allow visitors, tourists and foreigners, to know all the benefits and innovations that they contribute to the development of ICT for a city that is advancing in the digital transformation.

If you present doubts and concerns in the registration process, you can write to the email

Ayling Divanny Rocha

Myrtle Frost

"Reader. Evil problem solver. Typical analyst. Unapologetic internet ninja."

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