The trick to making your cell phone battery last all day

Tik Tok user Android Tech has shared with his followers a trick to help Android cell phone owners save battery life and keep the charge lasting throughout the day.

In the video, Android Tech explains that the user must first go to the “Settings” icon and click on it. Then, you need to click on “Privacy” section. On some cell phones, “Privacy and security” appears. Just one more step. You need to click there and look for the “Privacy” category. Once in this category, it is necessary to look for the item that says “Send Tracking Data”.

Once there, this type of switch is usually on or off. All you have to do is move it so that it turns off. When you try to do that, another box appears where there are two dots that say “I agree to send identifiable data” and “I agree to combine identifiable data with other information”. It depends on the Android model, only one of these two options may appear here.

All you have to do is select those points and press “Accept”. Then the “Send Tracking Data” category will be disabled and according to TikToker Android technology, it will extend the battery life for a long time.

A video with a brief explanation of how to enable battery saving quickly went viral, garnering over 6,600,000 views and over half a thousand comments, most of whom indicated that the trick shared in the post had helped them.

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“It worked,” said one of the TikTok followers. “I did it a month ago and it seems like a good thing so far,” said another. “That’s true,” said the third.

On the other hand, there were many comments that we are going to try the newly learned method and then say whether it works or not, and there were those who asked if we could use the exposed method for other things. Mobile operating systems. Basically, for iOS, TikToker’s answer isn’t forthcoming.

And comedians joined in on the comments, with one not a little shy saying, “I did it, my phone lasts two years and still has 100 percent battery.”

Misty Tate

"Freelance twitter advocate. Hardcore food nerd. Avid writer. Infuriatingly humble problem solver."

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