The United States will allocate $20 million to research a new type of clean energy

Opinion: Hydrogen and LNG, the main champions of the energy transition on the road to decarbonizing the economy (DEF file)

The US Department of Energy announced US$20 million in funds To develop technologies that enhance generation hydrogen In the ground. This initiative could unlock significant resources for clean energy And contribute to Carbon removal It is one of the industries that is difficult to address.

Evelyn said: Wang, Director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E), a US government agency charged with promoting and funding the research and development of clean energy technologies, said that with this decision, the Department of Energy seeks to Exploring disruptive ways to access this hydrogen source.

“ARPA-E supports transformative and high-impact energy technologies. So, when it comes to geological hydrogen, we wonder if there are innovative ways to access this hydrogen source and explore its potential. “There is a huge opportunity to accelerate the development of hydrogen production, and I look forward to pursuing it,” he added. The difference is for this exploration.”

According to studies, iron minerals can theoretically decrease in the Earth’s crust Generating more hydrogen from reactions underground.

The funds were put toward two ARPA-E exploratory themes. The first focuses on technologies that stimulate hydrogen production from mineral deposits in the Earth’s interior. The second focuses on technologies related to geological hydrogen extraction, including improvements in subsurface transportation methods.

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ARPA-E stated in a statement, “The funding announced today is part of two exploratory themes. First –Exploratory Topic G: Geological hydrogen production through catalytic mineral processes– Researches technologies that stimulate hydrogen production from underground mineral deposits, including advancing our understanding of the geochemical reactions that produce hydrogen and how to improve or control the rate of hydrogen production.

“the second –Exploratory Topic H: Subsoil Engineering for Hydrogen Reservoir Management-Focuses on technologies relevant to geological hydrogen extraction, including improvements in subsurface transportation methods and engineering containment, reservoir monitoring and/or modeling during production and extraction, as well as risk assessment of hydrogen deposit development.

Two years ago, the Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) announced that it would leverage the capabilities of three national laboratories, Energy Technology National Laboratory (NETL), Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), to determine Feasibility, safety and reliability of storing pure hydrogen or mixtures of hydrogen and natural gas in underground environments.

Myrtle Frost

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