The Warehouse of the Three Ecologies: A space of the Social Economy Fairs remains firm

The Warehouse of the Three Ecologies will continue to operate for two more years. That is the objective of the agreement between the Municipality of Rosario, through the Secretariat for Human Development and Habitat, with representatives of organizations that are part of the collective management experience of fair and solidarity trade that works in the warehouse located in Presidente Rock and the river.

The Warehouse of the Three Ecologies It is located in a warehouse that was once part of the Rosario Central railway station.

For almost 6 years, the space has been working in partnership with the local State, which gives the place to function autonomously and which, from the agreement signed this Tuesday, December 28, extends its operation for two more years with the option of renewal for another two years.

The Secretary for Human Development and Habitat, Nicolás Gianelloni, celebrated the signing of the agreement and considered that “This allows us, on the one hand, to continue working together with the social economy organizations that are part of the Almacén De Las Tres Ecologies and also to continue strengthening the promenade of the central coast area with a proposal where producers can display their handicrafts. , food and put it at the service of the public from a social perspective and with a human face “, Held.

“The objective of the renewal of this agreement is to continue promoting the proposal of the social economy in the central coast, complementing the work of fairs, markets and exhibition proposals throughout the year”Gianelloni pointed out.


The items that are marketed in this space, which is part of one of the experiences of fair trade and popular economy that distinguish the city of Rosario, include food, meals and beverages made without additives and in an organic way, handmade ceramic articles, textiles and wood, among other products.

The Warehouse of the Three Ecologies works on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, from 4 to 9 pm.

The participants of this experience are part of the Fair Trade Network of the Coast and the National Space for Social Economy.

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It should be noted that the Warehouse aims to promote economic, social and cultural practices and instances on non-capitalist bases, the implementation of equal exchanges of goods and services between people and organizations of the solidarity and self-managed economy and productive training, intellectual and technical skills that allow combining small-scale artisanal production with modernization strategies.

Agroecological productions are another of its foundational axes, such as that of non-polluting technologies.

Images: Courtesy – pre-Pandemic photo.

Myrtle Frost

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