They are filing a complaint with the Attorney General against Montalvo, Peralta and Guerrero

Miriam German Brito was arrested yesterday on a complaint against former presidential ministers Gustavo Montalvo; Jose Raman Perralda, the executive officer of the presidency, and Donald Guerrero of the Treasury for allegations of administrative corruption, fraud and fraud.

The complaint was filed by Senator Antonio Martே, who represents the National Transportation Federation (GONADRA), and Mario Diaz from the National Federation of Social Transport Workers (Fenatrans) through their attorneys, Ferdermido Ferras Theos and Carlos Manuel Table.

For example, former ministers in the government of former President Danilo Madinah have been blamed for the disappearance of more than 17 billion pesos from the transport sector.

Mandelvo, Peralta and Guerrero are reported to have diverted resources established by Act 253-12 to divert the country’s fleet to carry passengers and cargo, thereby violating Articles 122, 123, 124, 405, 408, 265, 266. , Penal Code 267.

Criminal liability
“There is an alliance of public officials who have joined forces to divert public funds to be handled by the National Transport and Land Transport Corporation (INTRAN) in conjunction with transport companies and unions that have suffered irreparable damage,” the complaint argues.

For example, they call for the establishment of responsibilities related to the Ministry of Public Works and to prosecute those responsible for corruption, intentional and fraudulent acts.

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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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