They call on the international community to help Haiti

The Government And 30 political parties agreed to demand that the international community intervene in the situation in Haiti without further delay and reiterated that the Dominican solution to the problems facing that country would never exist.

Political organizations signed a joint declaration Haiti.

They were fully supportive Politics Considered abroad Dominican government They also agreed to declare that “there is and will not be a Dominican solution in the future.” Haiti”.

The Leaders They signed Politics Good neighbor with the Haitian people in terms of non-interference and mutual respect for sovereignty.

President Louis Abinader Led Meeting Finally read the list of parties who signed the document.

The President said that a monopoly document had been reached on the situation in Haiti, the challenges it faces and the dangers it represents to the country, and that it would be a new call to the international community.

Julio Caesar Valentin of the Dominican Liberation Party said that “there is a possibility in the future of a relocation law that is conducive to a consensus response between political forces and space.”

He assured that his party would support him Government He hoped that this would be the fourth time that the Presidential Investment had summoned them to say that they were not going to be alienated from any place in any attempt to lead to the protection of the border. Meeting To be held next week.

As Quick Antún, leader of the Christian Social Reform Party, left the Green Room, he gave a brief account of the actions of President Abinader and the identification of those present. Similarly, “Everyone made their proposals.”

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He pointed out that the document was addressed to the international community “in terms of the unity that should exist in the country on an issue that is very sensitive to our sovereignty”.

According to Maritza Lopez, leader of the Liberal Action Party (PAL), the commissions were set up to make the international community realize that the Dominicans are not responsible for the Haitian problem.

Guillermo Moreno’s absence is significant, as he has rejected Dominican support for foreign intervention in previous meetings. Haiti And termination of the student visa program.

Third yesterday Meeting This guy who is the leader Government With political parties and led by the second president Louis Abinader. However, at the first meeting it was agreed that the parties would bring proposals but no new measures were announced.

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Wilson Gomes r. (External source)

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For his part, Wilson Gómez Ramírez, chairman of the Duartian Institute, described the political path followed by the Dominican government through the executive branch as right in its call for the international community to help the Haitian people. He recalled that the United Nations (UN) and the United States of America (OAS) were “organizations designed to assist states in the event of a catastrophic situation in Haiti.” Gomez Ramirez said the international community could not pretend to leave it free, in order to support undue pressure on the Dominican Republic. He said the country was giving more than it could on the Haitian issue and had tried to go beyond the fair and was constantly fighting with international organizations that did not want to recognize the right to self-determination. This country. ”

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Journalist and writer graduated from USA with a degree in television journalism and various print media.

Graduated from USAS of Social Communication Life, the journal notes. He has been a collaborator on radio shows and a journalist at El Nuevo Diario and Diario Libre.

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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