After a series of rumors pointed out that Julio Iglesias Not a good time physically, today is a series Photographs FilteredSinger can be seen entering Hospitalwhat enabled The Alarms Without knowing him condition of Health.
After disappearing from public view for a while, Julio Iglesias According to him, it raised doubts that there will be a backlash again HealthRumors began to grow after Argentine journalist Jorge Rial announced that an acquaintance and close friend of the singer had seen him in a wheelchair in recent days, causing concern for millions of people.
Filtered photos of Julio Iglesias Hospital in Miami
After that doubts Julio Iglesias That’s not right Health Journalist Diego Arabel A finger was not lifted from the ruler and a series went viral on his YouTube channel Photographs The Spanish singer is seen entering Hospital From Miami but he is seen in a wheelchair, which confirmed that the famous man is not in optimal condition.
It should be noted that these photos published by the journalist belong to March 2018. However, he was nowhere to be found. Julio Iglesias From then on, the last holdouts of the Spaniards were for what. Diego Arabel indicated that he knows very well the doctor treating the star, although he will not reveal the name due to professional ethics and not wanting to get into trouble.
On the other hand, and in relation to Photographs Filtered With Journalist, you can view the homepage Hospital Where the singer attended, as well as the arrival of Julio Iglesias, he had problems with his pedigree.
“It takes a long time to get off. His movement is complicated. It cannot be hidden,” insisted George.
This situation worries not only the media but everyone from the icon to his followers Julio Iglesias He did not appear at any event or on social networks, so many people continue to believe that the singer has a relapse and is sick, so he is waiting for an official statement on what the Spanish native of North America is winning in everything.