They find the planets of the two suns that sustain life

Thanks to the Kepler space telescope, five planetary systems have been discovered that are called “twin suns” and that they can conduct life well. Just like on the planet Tattoo Star Wars.

A study Presented by scientists at the University of Illinois, with data obtained Kepler telescopeEarth-like exoplanets have been identified as orbiting two stars and being habitable.

The latter occurs because the planets of some of the systems studied are in a permanent habitable zone because their proximity to a star like the Sun will allow them to have liquid water on the surface.

According to scientists, the chances of life on a planet within a permanent habitable zone like Earth in the solar system are high. In addition, the study points out that the Kepler-34, Kepler-35, Kepler-64, Kepler-413 and Kepler-38 systems are candidates with planets with conditions similar to ours, including the oceans.

In total, the 12 discovered planets orbit a pair of stars. While only giant exoplanets have been discovered so far, there may be smaller ones or even satellites that have not yet been discovered.

The planetary systems studied are 2,764 to 5,933 light-years away from Earth, especially in the constellations Lyra and Cygnus. In all of them there is at least one planet the size of Neptune and a system called Kepler-64 with at least four stars at its center.

According to one of the researchers, Nicholas Georghagros, the results obtained with Kepler confirm that “even dual star systems with giant planets are a good candidate in our search for Earth 2.0”.

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Misty Tate

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