They offer science workshops for children living in temporary shelters – El Sol de Acapulco

Children affected by Hurricane John receive workshops on science and technologyby specialists, such as UA way to help them cope with the disaster Caused by this natural phenomenon.

According to the authorities, they are Brigades launched For him Science, Technology and Innovation Council From the state of Guerrero.

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It's about “Science and Technology Brigades” any They have the goal of visiting temporary shelters to enhance moments of entertainment and learning Among minors.

One of these brigades He visited Adolfo Lopez Mateos Elementary School, located in the Umiltimi neighborhood of ChilpancingoMore than 100 people were present, most of them children and the elderly.

In this first activity A A workshop called My First ExperienceWhere participants interacted corn “A human-like robot dances with them and gives them messages of encouragement and motivation.”

Another workshop called “Biomondo: A Journey Through Nature”, in which it was used Stereoscopic magnifying glasses and optical microscopes for observing biological specimens, People used this type of tool for the first time, which amazed them.

In these activities Children and adults themselves participated in this type of initiativeIn which they discovered many things and learned about other fields of science.

Apart from this type of workshops, the authorities themselves have chosen to do so Organizing film screenings among children temporarily living in these sheltersas a means to Dealing with natural disaster.

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Myrtle Frost

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