They question the reality that mirrors the virtual space in Abismo’s work – El Sol de México

In the digital world where realism is so close to reality, what is reality, where are the boundaries of technological life, what are the consequences of digital, where are the physical like trees or rivers. These and many other questions are asked in abyssa play produced by Miguel Septin and starring Pablo Perrone, Sergio Zurita, Veronica Bravo, Jose Ramon Berganza and Leo Danes Alos.

It is a story set at least 45 years in the future when the Internet became the only practical, educational, entertainment and emotional reality. Everything happens in what is now called lower, a parallel universe where there are no limits or consequences to the deepest desires of those who inhabit it. The play, written by American playwright Jennifer Haley, will run from August 12 to November 9 at Milan’s Teatro.

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abyss It is a story in a not so distant future where the internet has already evolved into hell, where people work, spend many hours a day, and have fun, and the real world is over, because there are no more trees and rivers and everything is extinct. And in Holland there is a place to hide and there you can unleash your darkest desires without consequences”, as detailed in an interview with Sergio Zurita, who plays doyle.

Zoretta defined the work as a science fiction story. A disturbing thriller featuring the detective Morris check in Sims previously doyle. Simsa computer engineer, is the creator of a virtual room called cache Where users can, anonymously, live out their wildest fantasies, and doyle He is a frequent customer.

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“The work suggests a moral or ethical reversal that puts you in trouble, asks if things are so real in the virtual world, aren’t there actual consequences? Is it okay to do terrible things despite the fact that they are virtual reality?, and from there it takes you to deeper questions like what It is reality,” the actor multiplied.

Perhaps most surprisingly, the story seems to be set in the very distant future, but Zurita wondered how quickly technology was taking over our lives. For this reason, the business also suggests observing what is happening today with technology and seeing what can happen in the short or medium term to make our own introspection about how we use technology.

15 years ago, which isn’t that long, cell phones were the little Nokia; Now I have one that receives videos, does everything, and it’s only been 15 years. I don’t think it will take more than 45 years to get to hell, and of course guessing the future is always nonsense. The issue is to think about how we want technology to accommodate us.”

On a personal level, the character allows Zoretta to reflect on her private life, and how she’s approaching the age of 50. “My character is a school teacher and technological advances in education end up rendering it obsolete, which allows me to look back at my present, my character is 65 years old and life hasn’t looked the same since I was 20 or 30, then it gives me the opportunity to delve into the past” .

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abyss It is the first work of the Núcleo Teatro, a new group of producers consisting of Pablo Perrone, Miguel Septin, Toca Teatro (Sergio Mingram, Alberto Alfa and Alejandro Bracho), Vatru Entertainment (David Cuevas, Julio Trujillo) and Nueve (Karla Pellegrini and Alain Bauman).

“Our focus is on the audience: their emotions, their interests, the experience they have when attending our productions and the communication processes we make about our business,” they explain in their presentation.

Myrtle Frost

"Reader. Evil problem solver. Typical analyst. Unapologetic internet ninja."

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