They suspect a Chinese man of “monkey disease”

The Chinese tourist, who was hospitalized at the Raman de Laura Military Hospital, had been in the country for 21 days and had been in contact with the disease confirmed this month in the United States.

Although hospital officials said the possibility of the patient having the disease was remote, they said that since the lesions on the skin were similar to insect bites, they would isolate him and keep him in the hospital for monitoring until those results came. Tests taken and sent to the Atlanta CDC are obtained.

Yesterday morning the Ministry of Public Health announced that the Chinese tourist had been in the hospital for 11 days, but in the afternoon the center assured him that he had been admitted the previous afternoon and after that he was taken to the hospital. The United States announces his whereabouts in early July after he was identified in connection with a Texas man who traveled with the disease from Nigeria.

Stable and without symptoms

The hospital’s director, Medical Colonel Jose Richardson Lopez, assists the center’s first lieutenant medical epidemiologist Joel Urena Vasquez


They said the 38-year-old patient, who is of Chinese descent, was in stable health condition and that he was only being treated for skin rash in relief and had no other symptoms.

He entered the country on June 9 and stayed at a hotel. The hospital assures him that he has been wearing a mask with a Govt-19 infection since his arrival, so it is believed that the risk of spreading the disease through respiratory droplets is low.

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They pointed out that the center follows the relevant protocol and that the Ministry of Public Health is taking established measures including adequate follow-up for patient monitoring and possible contacts.

Monkey fever

The disease manifests itself with fever, chills, headache, muscle and back pain, as well as swollen lymph nodes and skin rash. Its symptoms are similar, but larger, milder than most deadly epidemics.

The incubation period of monkey box virus is usually 5 to 21 days. It is spread through contact and exposure to secretions from infected people. The disease is usually self-defined, and symptoms usually resolve spontaneously within 14 to 21 days.

Monkeypox is an infectious disease transmitted by rodents, squirrels and monkeys, causing skin rashes, fever, malaise and headaches. The symptoms are usually mild.

The hospital said the United States had informed the country’s health authorities on July 26 about a Chinese passenger who had been identified as having contact with a person infected with the monkey box on an international flight from Lagos, Nigeria (Africa).

On the second flight, the passenger flew to the Dominican Republic on July 9, the date of the contact, and immediately, authorities began investigations to find the passenger currently being monitored in a check-in room. Hospital since yesterday.

Eden Hayes

"Wannabe gamer. Subtly charming beer buff. General pop culture trailblazer. Incurable thinker. Certified analyst."

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