This is how a map of Europe saw Finland join NATO

Finnish and NATO flags fly in the courtyard of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Helsinki, Tuesday, April 4, 2023. (AP via Anti H’m’l’inen/Lehtikuva)

Finland This Tuesday turned thirty-one Full membership of NATO After completing the application process, the result is requested Russian invasion of UkraineThis indicates that the country is covered under Article 5 of the Alliance’s Collective Security Treaty.

“By receiving this instrument of ratification, I declare that Finland is the thirty-first member of the North Atlantic Treaty,” said the US Secretary of State. Anthony BlinkenDuring a ceremony at NATO headquarters.

On that occasion, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Finland, Becca HavistoHe provided the last missing document to complete his country’s admission process.

With this approach, the European Security and Prevention System is:

Portugal: Area where major NATO and allied exercises take place.

Spain: It comprises the NATO defense system at sea and in the air, particularly in the Atlantic, Baltic, Mediterranean and Northern seas. Its collaborators are France, Italy, United Kingdom, USA.

France: Provides an alliance with a naval force with a continuous presence in the Atlantic, Baltic, Mediterranean and North Seas. NATO Standing Maritime Groups (SNMG1 and 2) and NATO Mine Countermeasures Groups (SNMCMG1 and 2) in Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands cooperate with the Netherlands. , Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom and USA.

Italy: Works to improve regional understanding and anticipation of threats emanating from the south, with its location centered on the Naples Joint Forces Command in Naples. Its contributors are: 22 partners making voluntary national contributions and staff recruited from JFC Napoli. It is an area where major NATO and allied exercises take place.

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Greece, Croatia, Albania, North Macedonia, Slovenia and Montenegro: Like Italy, they have NATO maritime and air defense systems to improve regional understanding and anticipation of threats emanating from the south, particularly in the Atlantic, Baltic, Mediterranean and Northern seas.

Bulgaria: Air surveillance to protect the airspace in the eastern part of the alliance. NATO Response Force. Work with the highest readiness joint task force ready to deploy at short notice during crisis management or collective defense.

Turkey itself: WACS patrols with the objective of providing protection in the skies over Eastern Europe before detecting airborne threats.

Romania: It has air defenses to bolster NATO defenses. It also has aerial surveillance to protect the airspace of the alliance’s eastern flank, as well as forward reserve forces, eight multinational battle groups (BG) to strengthen NATO’s deterrence and defence.

Hungary: It houses NATO force coordination units to facilitate rapid deployment of NATO forces. It also has a forward reserve force of 8 multinational battle groups (BGs) and a multinational headquarters to strengthen NATO’s deterrence and security.

Slovakia: Air defense exists to reinforce NATO defenses and is ready to deploy at short notice during crisis management or collective security.

Czech Republic: AWACS patrols the skies over Eastern Europe in the morning to detect airborne threats.

Poland: There is joint intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance to support decision makers with timely information. In addition to the NATO response force, air defense and police, AWACS patrols and coalition force coordination units,

Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, United Kingdom and Denmark: They have an amphibious task force with the objective of strengthening NATO’s deterrence and defense at sea and on land. NATO’s maritime defense and air carrier strike groups. Permanent Naval Forces / VJTF (Maritime) to provide alliance with naval force with continuous presence in Atlantic Ocean, Baltic, Mediterranean and North Seas

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Norway: Air surveillance to secure position on the eastern flank of the alliance.

Iceland: Securing Iceland’s airspace has a peacetime preparation group in Iceland.

Latvia: NATO has force coordination units to facilitate rapid deployment of its forces and air defenses.

Lithuania and Estonia: They have air surveillance, NATO response forces and coalition force coordination units.

(with information from EFE)

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Eden Hayes

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