This is how life appeared on Earth according to artificial intelligence

The abiotic theory is more robust because it contains a variety of research and scientific theories. (Illustration Image Infobae)
ChatGPT, Bard and Copilot have their take on how life evolved on Earth. An idea that arises according to all the information on the Internet is that although they do not give any answer related to religion, all their hypotheses are based on science and research done to date.

This is a doubt that has existed in humanity for many years, because it can be difficult to know “how life began” as the copilot chatbot says, and more research is revealed as time goes by, so It seems like a mystery that our generation will surely never solve.

The three AI-powered chatbots deal with a different number of theories, although they agree on many. One of them is the panspermia theory, which proposes that life came to Earth from another planet via meteorites, comets or space dust.

Bart asserts that this idea “is based on the presence of organic molecules in meteorites and the possibility of life on other planets.” ChatGPT complements this view by saying that life came to Earth “via meteorites, asteroids, or other celestial bodies carrying microbes or prebiotic material.”

The abiotic theory is more robust because it contains a variety of research and scientific theories. (Illustration Image Infobae)

However, according to chatbots, The theory that currently has the most power among scientists is called abiogenesis or abiotic. The basis of this hypothesis is that life arose from inorganic molecules present on the early Earth.

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“These molecules, under the right conditions of temperature, pressure and energy, form highly complex organic molecules such as amino acids and nucleotides. These molecules then come together to form the first cells,” says Bart.

According to Kopilat, there are four reasons why this theory is so strong among researchers.

  • Prebiotic Chemistry Experiments: Laboratory experiments show that organic molecules could have evolved from conditions similar to those on early Earth.
  • Discovery of extremophilic microbes: These microbes living in extreme environments (like white springs or salt lakes) suggest that life can adapt to inhospitable conditions.
  • Evolution: Evolution shows us how species change over time. LUCA (Last Universal Common Ancestor) is the starting point of all current biodiversity. The theory of apiogenesis states that LUCA was the result of natural processes on Earth.
  • Lack of solid extraterrestrial evidence: Although panspermia is an interesting idea, we still have no solid evidence that life came to Earth from space.
The abiotic theory is more robust because it contains a variety of research and scientific theories. (Illustration Image Infobae)

In addition to these two theories, ChatGPT mentions another pair, the result of many investigations throughout history:

  • RNA World Hypothesis: This hypothesis suggests that in the early stages of Earth, before DNA became the main molecule for storing genetic information, ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules played an important role as chemical catalysts and carriers of genetic information.
  • Hydrothermal theory: Some scientists propose that life may have originated in coastal hydrothermal systems, a combination of minerals, chemical energy, and heat that provided the perfect environment for the first forms of life to emerge.
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A path that seems impossible to find an answer to, being a constant doubt in humanity. That is why the question arises as to what is the definitive evidence for the origin of life on earth. All three chatbots agree, then, that science never classifies a piece of evidence as “irrefutable.”

However, regarding this doubt, ChatGPT promises that there are four features that help confirm some of the existing theories:

  • If scientists can prove with certainty that complex organic molecules can be synthesizedsuch as amino acids and nucleotides, under conditions similar to those on early Earth.
  • If solid evidence of past life is found on other planets or moons in our solar system, This suggests that life is not exclusive to Earth and may support the theory of panspermia.
  • Discovery of very ancient fossils Well-preserved structures of primitive life forms on early Earth will provide solid evidence of how the first life forms arose on our planet.
  • If scientists can create protobiotic systems in the lab, it can reproduce some of the basic characteristics of organisms.This would support the idea that life may have arisen from simple chemical and physical processes, such as metabolism and self-replication.

Misty Tate

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