Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that affects millions of people around the world. Many factors can contribute to its onset, but a daily habit that has been highlighted as aggravating is the excessive use of electronic devices before bed. Numerous scientific studies have investigated this relationship, revealing exposure to Blue light screens The mental stimulation associated with the use of electronic devices can disrupt sleep and worsen insomnia.
Blue light emitted from electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers can limit the production of melatonin, a key hormone in regulating sleep. the melatonin It is secreted by the brain in response to darkness, and an excess of it in the body helps sleep. However, when we are exposed to blue light before bed, this suppression of melatonin can make it difficult to fall asleep and get restful sleep.
a Stady Published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences It found that participants who were exposed to blue light from electronic devices for two hours before bed had a significant decrease in melatonin production and a delayed sleep phase. This led to a decrease in the quality of sleep and an increase in the severity of insomnia symptoms.
Another study was conducted in Harvard university Show that exposure to blue light before bedtime suppresses melatonin and negatively affects the circadian rhythm, leading to more difficulty falling asleep and less restful sleep.
In addition to the effect of blue light, the use of electronic devices before bed can also have a stimulating effect on the brain. the completed activities On these devices, like reading email, browsing social media, or playing video games, can keep your brain active and make it difficult to relax before bed. Exposure to emotionally charged or stressful content on these devices can contribute to mental stimulation and worsen insomnia.
Additional research supports the relationship between excessive use of electronic devices before bed and worsening insomnia. a Stady Published in the journal Sleep Medicine Reviews revealed that participants who used electronic devices in bed had a longer time to fall asleep, decreased sleep quality, and an increased risk of chronic insomnia. These findings support the idea that electronic devices can disrupt normal sleep patterns and negatively affect sleep health.
In addition to blue light and mental stimulation, the use of electronic devices can also have an impact on sleep hygiene. Many people tend to put off going to bed due to prolonged use of these devices. Spending long hours in bed with electronic devices can alter sleep time and lead to chronic sleep deprivation, which in turn can exacerbate insomnia.
There are some strategies that can be implemented to reduce the negative impact of electronic device use on insomnia. One of them is creationout of time“Before bed, as the use of electronic devices is avoided at least an hour before bedtime. This allows the brain to relax and prepare for rest. In addition, it is recommended to create a comfortable sleeping environment in the bedroom, keeping electronic devices away and keeping the room dark and cool.”
Numerous scientific studies support the idea that excessive use of electronic devices before bedtime can exacerbate insomnia. Exposure to blue light, mental stimulation, and disturbed sleep can all contribute to difficulty falling asleep, poor sleep quality, and an increased risk of chronic insomnia. It is important to be aware of these effects and take steps to limit the use of electronic devices before bed, thus promoting healthy, restful sleep.
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