Dinner time is one of the most relevant factors if you want to lose weight and lose weight, as well as eat all meals. But what is the ideal time to eat dinner and lose weight according to science?
Losing weight is not an easy task. Although sport and diet are two of the key points to achieve this, there are other factors beyond what to eat to make the diet. Now science has figured out when is the right time for dinner.
For it to be possible to lose weight, you must be in a caloric deficit, that is, you burn more calories than you consume, so the body will begin to burn fat from other areas.
The diet should always be varied and divided into different meals throughout the day. Although depending on which one you follow, you may have to eat 3 or 5 times a day.
As the saying goes, the correct thing to do is “Eat breakfast like a king, eat like a prince and dinner like a beggar” because at night you hardly burn calories.
Mealtime is something very personal and does not apply to everyone because each one has their habits and obligations.
Therefore, the key is to eat little, but especially 2 or 3 hours before going to sleep. This is the conclusion they come to some studies, they actually see that there is a correspondence between eating earlier and losing weight.
This way you will be able to sleep better because your body begins to generate melatonin long before it is time to go to bed. You will also avoid discomfort, thanks to the digestion process would have already finished.
Original article by Alejandro Fernández for Business Insider Spain