This is the new form of driver's license in Venezuela


The National Land Transport Corporation (INTT) issued a new design of driving license with security features and an exclusive design with international approval.

Made with seven-layer polycarbonate, the form guarantees durability and resistance, in addition, it contains holograms that react to UV light and a chip that allows it to be activated, according to a press release.

The unique design conforms to International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards and is thus unrecognizable and unalterable.

Likewise, with international agreements it allows exchange, so that licenses are renewed and comrades can travel to their countries of residence.

On the other hand, it integrates a QR code so that the user has a unique profile on INTT with all the information and the vehicle.

The new format of the document is part of the Actions for Quadrants 1 and 11 of the Great Mission for Peace.


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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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