TSE refuses to rule on Ramfiz Dominguez's candidacy | AlMomento.net

Ramfis Domínguez-Trujillo.

Santo Domingo. – The High Electoral Court (TSE) again refused to rule on Ramfiz Dominguez-Trujillo's candidacy case, accepting what the political leader characterized as an “impermissible manipulative request to the Central Electoral Commission (JCE).

According to Domínguez-Trujillo, the electoral system used technologies to mislead the judges and induce their wrong decision.

“Who can understand this ridiculous judgment? TSE accepts JCE lawyer's request as inadmissible because according to them, they had to re-examine my case…”

“The JCE did not do it irresponsibly and we are returning to the TSE on the instructions of the same judges and they are again declaring the case inadmissible. They are playing a little game with me, but it will end soon,” he said.

In turn, Trajano Vidal Potentini, head of the political leader's legal team, was clear in highlighting the inaction of the TSE in declaring the case inadmissible.

Ramfis responds about his party's candidates

When asked how the TSE ruling would affect him, the leader of the Democratic Trust Party said it was final to offer Roque El Gobrador/Fatul Binami as his candidates for president and vice president for elections.

According to him, he said he is happy to bring these candidates who represent the values ​​of his political group.

He clarified, however, that in his assessment, this decision of the TSE also obeys a political principle imposed on him by the First Judiciary, noting that there is no legal independence in the Dominican Republic. .

“…They were thinking of leaving the party without the Ramfis and now they've tripled me with this dynamic trio we've got,” he said.

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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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