UNE promises that the investigation of the parliamentarians will be “intensive and robust”, while other parties have spoken out about the validity of the election.

On account of X, the National Executive Committee of the National Unity Party (UNE) points out that the investigation of the Ministry of Public Affairs (MP) is “intense and strong”, with a statement previously published on Twitter by Sandra Torres, that after Friday, December 8, there are continuous irregularities in the electoral process, and therefore to annul it. He also pointed out that

The publication said the investigative agency had provided “credible evidence supporting the alleged crimes” which affected the “purity of the electoral process”.

The report stated that UNE had repeatedly reprimanded him during the first and second rounds of the elections and filed legal action against him.

It should be remembered that in a press conference given last Friday by the parliamentarian, Bernardo Arevalo – who won the presidency of Guatemala for the period 2024-2028 – accused illegality in the creation of his party Movimiento Semilla in 2018.

It is on this account that Torres’s party notes in its publication: “Time has proven us right as we participated against an illegal and illegal political party and we never accepted the results of the elections.”

UNE, in its statement, said it “requested” that the Supreme Electoral Tribunal resolve in accordance with the law established by law. In addition, they will ensure that the election of elected mayors and party representatives is guaranteed for the 2024-2028 period.

Torres ran against Arévalo in the second round of elections, but did not receive enough votes to be elected President of Guatemala for the next four years.

The parties speak

Other political parties contesting the 2023 general elections also responded to the MP’s call for cancellation of electoral registers.

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The Viram Party, which ran for Juri Rios’ presidency, issued a brief statement on its X account saying it was “committed to the rule of law and constitutional order.”

For its part, the Vamos party, the candidate of Manuel Conte, pointed out that the purpose of the MP’s investigations is “to clarify the truth, to show corrections and/or manipulations, and to look for irregularities or crimes related to the electoral process. If so, few results.”

They respect the decisions established by the TSE, but the investigations announced by the relevant authorities must continue.

The Elephant Party, which nominated Hugo Pena for the presidency, said on social media: “Today’s election enjoys the presumption of innocence, so the official results must prevail.”

While the Vinak movement has condemned the MP’s “repetition” efforts, it is defying its functions by saying that the electoral process is null and void if we do not consider the winners of the elections. “There will be a breakdown of the constitutional order.”

For his part, Edmond Mullet, who participated with the cabal party, said that through a video published on his official X account, the MP presented an “evidence hypothesis” that should be analyzed by a judge. He highlights that one must question why such studies are being undertaken at this time and why it turns the entire endeavor into a political issue.

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In the end, Mullet adds, the Constitutional Court will have to resolve this situation, which is why he asks “to respect the will of the people” so that elected officials take office on January 14.

Roberto Arzú, who is running for president with the Podemos party, said in a video broadcast on social networks: “We are facing a coup,” and described the act as “disrespectful” and “disgraceful.” .” M.P. before the will of Guatemalans expressed in the August 20 referendum.

Another party is VOS (Will, Opportunity, Solidarity), which “accepts and recognizes” the results of the first and second election rounds, and rejects any attempt to “prevent the change and replacement of legally elected officials.”

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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