Valerio Ostalib: Changes in the United States will revive the agenda in the Republic of Moldova

Valerio Ostalib: Changes in the United States will revive the agenda in the Republic of Moldova

Valerio Ostalib, an expert in the field of international relations and security, believes that in the wake of the changes in the USA, tough dialogue with the Russian Federation will be intensified. In this dialogue, says the former deputy foreign minister, it is clear that countries such as the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Romania will have a certain role. These statements were made in Public debate: “What is happening in America? What will happen in the world?”, Organized by the IPN Press Agency.

“Is this good or not for the Republic of Moldova? I consider it a good thing for the Republic of Moldova as a country and it is very bad for the political class in the Republic of Moldova, which has no idea, neither experience nor experience, of how to solve the problems. But I said that this is good for the Republic of Moldova.” , Because we have deteriorated a lot in recent years, and reviving the agenda, which is objective and does not depend on us, will still include the need for a new vision and the Republic of Moldova The expert said what about the economy and foreign policy.

At the same time, Valerio Ostalib believes that the details of the changes in the United States indicate a “seasoned” interest in our region. “More precisely, the personalities of the new US state administration have experience and know at least the location of Moldova, Ukraine, etc. This means that new paths of geopolitical struggle could emerge in the region in which Moldova is located.”

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The former deputy minister believes that the new US administration will have new dialects with regard to the Russian Federation, and these dialects will be evident in several parts of the world and certainly in the region where the Republic of Moldova is located. “What exactly do I expect from some US domestic policy event?” In my view, as this fall approaches, there will be new approaches to the case of Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, Belarus and all that is traditionally called the Eastern Partnership. Even with regard to Brussels, new ways of working will emerge, “Valerio Austalib said.

In his opinion, with regard to Moldova, there will be a “revival”. “This is because the economic and political quagmire in which the Republic of Moldova is located is absolutely counterproductive for the country. Even if I still see permanent dangers in this contradiction between US and Russian interests, I still do not see the danger of slipping off the path of armed conflict or the military problem. The expert noted that from the point of view of dialogue and the need to solve problems for years, I think it is an additional advantage for us. “

In other news, the international relations expert said that it is difficult to determine how many people in the Republic of Moldova are truly aware of the choices that are often made, in terms of policies, vectors, decisions, etc. “In order to choose between a thing and a thing, you must be aware and have at least objective information about one event or another. In the case of the Republic of Moldova, most people do not know the events discussed here decades ago. I think most people do not know the meaning of European integration. But they talk about European integration and support it. I am not saying this is good or bad, but I realize that they do not know what that means. Just as another party talks about the Eurasian Union, it has no idea what it entails and turns into symbolism. According to them, the Eurasian Union is He is Russia, and Putin, in a certain way, is a strategic, against NATO – that is, some completely symbolic flags, but they are not relevant to the concept as such, ”explains Valerio Ostalib.

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In his view, the United States is the world champion in the rights and freedoms enjoyed by people, but at the same time in an excessive magnification of the possibilities for influence and manipulation. “I think it’s very complicated to deal with all these operations, in the current conditions in the United States, even the domestic ones,” Valerio Ostalib said. According to him, today, in the twenty-first century, the tools used are manipulative. Thus the contradictions between the two sides that appear in the United States will advance and this is a very big problem.

Public debate “What is happening in America? What will happen in the world?” Is the 166th edition of the course “Developing Political Culture in Public Debates”, with the support of the German Hans Seidel Foundation.

The Debates 166

Myrtle Frost

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