Vargas looks at the vote gap between the ruling party and the opposition

Vargas looks at the vote gap between the ruling party and the opposition

Miguel Vargas during this Friday meeting.

SANTO DOMINGO, Feb 23 – The margin of votes between the ruling bloc and the opposition coalition in municipal elections is “perfectly recoverable”, Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD) leader and presidential candidate Miguel Vargas Maldonado said on Friday. Election next May.

At a meeting of the PRD's political leadership with presidents and provincial aides last Sunday to evaluate votes and redefine their strategies, Vargas calculated the difference between the ruling party and the opposition at around 280,000 votes, according to a report by Political Formation.

According to him, “May 19 will be completely saved if we work from the opposition to encourage the electoral participation of the large population who did not sell their identity cards and abstained from voting.”

Let's crack down on vote-buying and ID card-selling and make non-voters successful, Vargas urged.

Opposition parties and both local and foreign observers have condemned the purchase of identity cards during elections.

In Sunday's elections, just over 8.1 million Dominicans were called, the ruling Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM) won a majority of mayors and municipal districts. EFE

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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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