Villa Clara will use the APK ticket for fuel sales

Due to the limited availability of gasoline in the region, the local government of Villa Clara recently took some measures. To do this, the sale of limited fuel to vehicle owners was implemented on the ticketing platform.This decision is based on the objective of achieving an equitable distribution of fuel, as stated in the citizen portal “I am Villa Clara”.

The local administration clarifies that these measures are being taken to prioritize basic services for the people. Among them are medical emergencies, funeral services, ambulances, hemodialysis, ETECSA and the electricity company depending on outages.

More than 21,000 private sector vehicles in the province are known to the local government to consume petrol. Therefore, fuel will be sold to the department on a daily basis based on availability in each municipality of the province.

For its part, the platform will control ticket sales. In other words, by registering on the platform, users can access one of the municipal service centers for this purpose.

However, regardless of where they live, they can only buy where they are registered, although they can register in any municipality they wish.

As of now, supply has a 30-day cycle, which varies depending on fuel availability in the province.

What are the features of this procedure for purchasing fuel?

Consumers have to present themselves at the service center with the necessary documents: Identity and circulation card. Additionally, this data must match the data recorded on the ticketing platform.

Another measure is banning the sale of fuel in containers or depositing it in another type of unregistered vehicle.

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In this way, the quantity of fuel marketed daily will be limited according to the availability at the service centers. There will be no physical queue as the platform will notify the user of the corresponding day of purchase through notification.

Moreover, the sales service will be held at the service centers from 8 am to 12 pm.

By registering on the platform, the user decides the type of fuel he wants to buy. So far there are only two possibilities: the engine and the B-90”.

Also, the launch of the platform will take place from Friday, April 28 and only five liters of petrol will be sold for engines and 20 for cars and jeeps. The sale will start on Saturday at all service centers where fuel is available.

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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