What are the “Big Five” personality traits and what is their impact?

Yes 1 He is “Strongly Disagree

2 “disagree”

3 “Neutral”

4 “OK”

5 “I totally agree”…

What number would you assign to the following statements?

(Also read: Personality Test: What do you see in the picture? Your answer will tell you how you see life)

  • I really enjoy big parties and social gatherings.
  • I often feel sad.
  • I like helping others.
  • I prefer variety over routine
  • I am not interested in abstract ideas.

These are the kinds of statements you might find if you do Test the big five factors of personalitya popular tool used to find out who you are.

For centuries, philosophers have wondered what makes each person unique.

If things have three basic dimensions—length, width, and height—what are those that make up character.

In recent decades, psychologists Converged to five can be used to describe all individuals:

  1. Opening
  2. living conscience
  3. extroversion
  4. kindness
  5. Neuroticism

Some psychologists use slightly different names, and it’s important to note that personality cannot be described exclusively with any one type—most people have a combination.

(also: test: check your personality according to the photos you see)

How did this happen?

With all the respect this model deserves, it’s worth asking how we came to these five traits.

And the path that led to that turned out to be quite intriguing. And uphill.

In 1884, the Victorian polymath Francis Galton invented the book A new research and development approach to a comprehensive classification of personality traits Through the analysis of the English language is called lexical hypothesis.

He argued that the essential characteristics of human character had, in the course of time, been codified in language: that is, already identified, even mentioned, had to be found.

This is what American psychologists Gordon Allport and Henry Audebert set out to do in 1936: Collected more than 4,500 recipes From the 1925 edition of Webster’s New International Dictionary they believed described observable and relatively stable traits.

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A decade later, at Harvard University, British-American psychologist Raymond Cattell narrowed the list down to 171 terms by omitting synonyms.

(Also: fear. Learn to make decisions when faced with these feelings.)

But there was still a lot, so he asked 100 of his “knowledgeable acquaintances” to do it Evaluate how distinct these traits are when describing her personality, and in the end, I leave her with 16.

Many other scientists contributed, but it was Louis Goldberg who in 1990 reduced Cattell’s factors from 16 to five.

Renowned personality researchers Paul Costa and Robert McCrae validated their model, dubbed the “Big Five” and launched thousands of personality explorations within it, across multiple continents and cultures and with a variety of populations.

just words?

naturally, It was not enough to select adjectives in English: Factor analyzes of several datasets composed of descriptive trait terms from several other languages ​​have supported the validity of the model in an educated urban population.

But they are not just words.

Extensive research has shown that most of the individual differences described in the personality literature can be represented in terms of scores on these core dimensions.

it’s over, Studies of twins or adoptees have revealed that the genetic component of the “big five” trait is 40-60% (Jang et al. 1996 and 1998).

Long-term research has shown that the patterns of thinking, feeling, and behavior detected through testing are relatively durable throughout an individual’s life. (Soto & John 2012).

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Although it has its critics, and there are debates about how many factors should be taken into account, it is the most researched, accepted and used character builder in the world to date.

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what are they saying?

After recording a series of phrases like the one you saw in the beginning, the researchers could see them If you have a high, low or average score on each of these traits.

Experts say that real-life studies have shown that these scores do indeed predict certain types of behaviour.

The five factors Not necessarily traits in and of themselvesbut rather factors to which many related traits and characteristics fit.

For example, scope The kindness factor Ranging from features like Generosity, kindness, warmth to aggressiveness and hot temper.

(Also: Personality Disorder: These Are the Details You Should Know)

Opening It indicates people’s willingness to try new things, their ability to be vulnerable, and the flight of their imagination.

So if you score high on this factor, chances are you are a person Loves to learn, enjoys the arts, engages in a creative profession or hobby And you like to meet new people. If it’s low, you prefer routine over variety, stick to the familiar, and prefer less abstract art.

A person with little openness to experience is likely to prefer routine over variety, stick to what they know, and prefer less abstract arts and entertainment.

the living conscience It is a characteristic that can be described as The tendency to control impulses and act in socially acceptable ways. High-ranking people tend to be well-educated, successful in their careers, excel in leadership positions, and persistently pursue their goals.

(Also read: This is how you can find out if you are genetically prone to stress thanks to genomics)

Factor extroversion He has two familiar ends of his spectrum: extroversion and introversion. “The life of the party” and thoughtful few words.

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he Neuroticism we talk about Self-confidence and feeling comfortable with yourselfIt includes emotional stability and general mood.

In theory, these factors are a continuum of thousands of permutations of degrees that form unique personalities.

What do you say about you?

The Big Five method is used in a variety of socio-psychological studies.

But even if you do not have the opportunity to participate in it, You are likely to encounter these tests in the workplacebecause it is a very popular tool.

They are used to predict effectiveness at work and to form teams to select job candidates.

His enthusiasts claim that One of its advantages is that it reduces the possibility of bias.

In addition, they indicated that they help both the organization and the potential employee determine whether or not the job is a good fit.

with someone Low neuroticism is ideal for a place where stress levels are high; In a company with a friendly culture, someone who scores high on friendliness is likely to be a good fit. But that same person may feel overwhelmed in a more competitive environment.

(Also: Cats and Dogs: Does Your Personality Change Depending on Your Pet Choice?)

So while they may not sound as dramatic as Hippocrates’ four temperament types–sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric and melancholic–or as poetic as Plato’s–artistic, sensitive, intuitive, and logical–the Big Five are, sure. Now, the key points in those who want to map your personality.

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Myrtle Frost

"Reader. Evil problem solver. Typical analyst. Unapologetic internet ninja."

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