What happened to Katy Perry’s eye in Las Vegas?

Katy Perry got up and caused concern among her fans after a video of her spontaneously closing her right eyelid during an entire concert went viral.  (YouTube capture)

Katy Perry sparked concern among her fans after a video of her involuntarily closing her right eyelid during an entire concert went viral, and although she used her hand to control the movement and keep it open, she was unsuccessful after several attempts. (YouTube capture)

If it’s Android, if it’s a computer that doesn’t run updates, if aliens fail on Earth… there are many theories, one more than another, based on what happened to Katy Perry’s eye during a concert in Las Vegas two days ago.

When she finishes the number, she closes her eyes like an old doll, and she raises her delicate hand and opens them again. It sure looks like a scene Stepford Wives (2004), but no. What happened to Katy Perry is surprising, but there is an explanation.

Doctor Vanessa FuentesOphthalmologist, researcher and digital vision practitioner warns about the great disinformation about what happened to the singer, as evidenced by the influx of notes and content published on social networks, where there is speculation about a condition that she has revealed she has been suffering from for some time. Before.

“Katy Perry’s closed eye at the Las Vegas concert has been reported in many media as a product of amblyopia, as she claimed to suffer from this disease in a TV show, but it is necessary to clarify what is seen in the pictures. This is not the case”, says the referring expert.Amblyopia is also known as lazy eye, which does not develop well in childhood and does not reach 20/20, whereby the patient sees better in one eye than the other..

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Amblyopia may cause the affected eye to turn slightly inward or outward, but what do you see? Video of the October 22 concert It is something else, it can be dangerous and striking, but it is not really a serious condition.

“You can see in the video how the singer’s eyelids are suffering from spontaneous contractions. Clinically this is called benign essential blepharospasm in the right eye. It’s a facial dystonia, which is the medical term, and there are several types. The most common is nerve twitching in the eye, which all of us have had at one point and which goes unnoticed. In this case the eye is completely involuntarily closed”.

The expert points out that this benign essential blepharospasm does not require any specific treatment or mean that it will be closed indefinitely at some point. It will disappear on its own.

Benign essential blepharospasm has nothing to do with vision loss and can be caused by stress.  (Getty Creative)

Benign essential blepharospasm has nothing to do with vision loss and can be caused by stress. (Getty Creative)

“It could be a neurological problem, but it could also be something as simple as this At that time there was a lack of lubrication in the eye, which could be accentuated by the amount of makeup I had and false eyelashes. But I think so The underlying cause, in this case, is extreme stress, fatigue, which often occurs in these cases”.

The doctor points out that this diagnosis, benign essential blepharospasm, is nothing serious and has nothing to do with amblyopia, because the eyelid does not droop like that due to poor vision in one eye, and requires rest. Relieve stress and avoid worries.

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It is clear from this that both the shared anxiety and hilarious theories are not true. Perry isn’t a robot, or an alien, he’s a celebrity who, like many others, is stressed out by their job exposing them to millions of people around the world.

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Gillian Patton

"Tv aficionado. Lifelong communicator. Travel ninja. Hardcore web buff. Typical music geek."

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