What is it for, and how do I use it?

In this case we will let you know what it is for Share The way you will start using it in the coming 2022 will be covered, so keep reading to know how to do it step by step.

A webpage that notifies you of everything from a frequently used emoji to a word repeated over the course of a year.

It all started with Spotify Covered, The function of the music app that allows you to view your performance in a year.

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Although it is not on WhatsApp ToolThere is a trick to looking at some stats like, most used emojis, frequently repeated words and to whom you have sent the most messages.

If you want to know what are Spotify Wrapped and WhatsApp Wrapped, what are their functions and how can you use them?

Wrapped is not within WhatsApp, but a site called WhatsApp Wrapped, which was created by a group of students at the University of Toronto.

This is a webpage, so you can access it from PC, tablet or smartphone.

To view your WhatsApp wrapper, it is important to make it clear that each conversation must be done individually, meaning that the page will not give you a complete report of all your conversations.

To use this WhatsApp function known to some, follow these steps:

  • First, make sure there are no WhatsApp updates pending on Google Play or the App Store.
  • Open the app and enter any dialog.
  • Click the three vertical dots icon located in the upper right corner, and several options will be displayed, and then click ‘More’.
  • Select the ‘Export Chat’ option and you will be prompted to click ‘No Files’.
  • Then, choose where you want to save the exported file, we recommend Google Drive.
  • A window will open to save the document to Drive, where you will need to click on ‘Save’.
  • The next step is to open the WhatsApp wrapped page and click on the box with the text ‘Browse Files’.
  • Select the chat text file that you exported in the previous step.
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To finish, click ‘Submit’ and wait for the data processing page, after following all the mentioned steps, you can find out what WhatsApp Wrapped is for.

Misty Tate

"Freelance twitter advocate. Hardcore food nerd. Avid writer. Infuriatingly humble problem solver."

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