What words do dogs understand, according to science Grupo Milenio

Throughout history, we have been fascinated by the possibility Our loyal four-legged friends They can understand what we say to them. This is possible?

In a recent study conducted by Dalhousie University in Canada, this was discovered dog They have the ability to understand an average of 89 words, with some… The most intelligent ones respond to more than 200 terms.

Miniature breed dogs | private

How was the study conducted?

The research team conducted a survey 165 dog owners of different breeds to learn which words and phrases seem to resonate with their furry companions. next toData were collected on race, age, and gender And training history for all dogs.

Catherine Reeve and Sophie Jacques, the lead researchers, shared in the journal Applied Animal Behavior Science that: YesYour goal was to create an inventory of words That dogs respond differently and consistently.

“Our goal was to develop a comprehensive list of owner-reported words to which their dogs respond differently and consistently,” they explained.

What are the ten words that dogs understand, according to the study?

Among the most interesting findings of the study are: 10 words that dogs understand more clearly And those who respond most often.

We are It includes not only basic commandsbut also terms related to dogs' favorite rewards and activities.

It is important to note that these words were chosen For “Dog Vocabulary” Only if they elicit specific responses from dogs, such as looking up, whining, running, wagging their tail, or doing related actions:

  1. Sit
  2. Come
  3. less
  4. Stay
  5. I am waiting
  6. no
  7. good
  8. candies
  9. food
  10. ball
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The study revealed that dogs understand depending on the breed

Although the study revealed that the average number of words in a dog I can understand 89It was noted that this number can vary depending on the breed of dog.

Breeds like him Australian Shepherd, Border Collie, German Shepherd, Bichon Frise, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Chihuahua They tend to have larger vocabularies, while breeds such as Beagles and Boxers exhibit smaller vocabularies.

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However, the crucial question that arises is whether or not dogs truly understand the meaning behind these words They simply respond to sounds associated with specific events.

Researchers confirm that although most dogs know about 100 words, their response does not guarantee deep understanding. Dogs are more likely to bond with each other It appears with rewards or positive eventswhich stimulates your response.

Ultimately, scientists suggest, with more research, this could become a tool An effective and economical mapping tool Dog skills.

“With further research, our tool could become an effective, efficient and economical tool to map some of their competencies and perhaps help in early prediction of each dog's potential in various occupations,” the team concludes.

This progress can evenHelp anticipate each dog's potential For various professions, opening a new chapter in our understanding of communication between humans and canines.

Myrtle Frost

"Reader. Evil problem solver. Typical analyst. Unapologetic internet ninja."

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