When will Apple announce the iPhone 14 event?

We’ll have iPhone 14 event invites in a few weeks, and they’re getting fewer and fewer.

We’re in August, which means we’ll be having its launch event in a few weeks iPhone 14Apple has been regular The whole month of September releases their new iPhone. Before the event, Apple should send out invitations and make an official announcement. When will this happen? It will be in the next few weeks.

The The invitations and the official notification of the Apple event will arrive several days in advance, especially if Apple decides to call the press. Something may happen this year though It will be a registered eventApple has already invited the press to WWDC22.

therefore, Normally, Apple announces its event within 10 to 15 daysSo the iPhone 14 flagship will be official very soon.

iPhone 14

The presentation of the iPhone 14 will be in a few weeks

When the iPhone event is usually announced

Apple is mostly true to its traditions iPhone events are always held in mid-SeptemberSo the official announcement usually comes early this month.

In the last 10 events, Apple sent invitations 1 time on Monday, 4 times on Tuesday and 5 times on Thursday. The latter day is a preferred day for face-to-face events. In 5 of the last 6 in-person events Apple has chosen to announce an iPhone event on Thursdays11 to 13 days in advance of the event date.

Also, we took into account that iPhone presentation events are held on Tuesdays or Wednesdays, and they usually take place in the first fortnight of September. 4 Possible Dates for iPhone 14 Keynote:

  • Tuesday, September 6
  • Wednesday, September 7
  • Tuesday, September 13
  • Wednesday, September 14
iPhone 14 Pro

We’ll have iPhone 14 event invites in a few weeks

Apple doesn’t usually send out invitations to an iPhone event in August, so we do We have a chance to see The iPhone 14 is delivered in that second week, ie September 13 or 14.

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That means Apple should confirm the date for us on Thursday of the first week of September. That is, the Thursday 1 September We need to see the invitations.

Apple is going all out with the iPhone 14

However, all of these Just speculation based on events of previous years, everything can change and there can be back and forth. It seems clear that this year invitations should come at least 10 days apart.

Misty Tate

"Freelance twitter advocate. Hardcore food nerd. Avid writer. Infuriatingly humble problem solver."

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