Where can I get glasses to view the solar eclipse on October 14?

While enjoying a solar eclipseIt is worth having all the necessary tools to do it safely so that it can be enjoyed in the best possible way and without encountering incidents.

This October 14th Annular Solar Eclipse is approachingBelow we describe where you can get glasses to enjoy this astronomical phenomenon without risking your vision, and where groups of people and organizations gather to view the eclipse.

Although the October 14th eclipse will be an annular one, in Puerto Rico, due to its position during the event, it will be viewed as a partial solar eclipse. This type of event will not be seen from the island until 2038 Caribbean Astronomical Society (SAC).


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Where can I get solar eclipse glasses?

The American Astronomical Society (AAS) published a list on its web portal From manufacturers and retailers who sell glasses approved for viewing the solar eclipse, their lenses meet or exceed the 12312-2 standard. International Standards Organization (ISO).

This standard specifies that lenses allow only 0.00032 percent of sunlight to pass through. In addition, to meet the standard, lenses must be free of manufacturing defects such as bubbles, scratches, and dents, and must cover both eyes sufficiently far apart. Likewise, every glass must have clear instructions on the packaging, inside the glass, or both.

However, the manufacturers of these filters advise not to look directly at the sun for more than three minutes continuously.

Below, we provide you with some retailers that sell glasses with solar filters approved for viewing solar eclipses. New day These companies verify that they ship their products to Puerto Rico with reasonable shipping rates:

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Likewise, chains like Walmart and Home Depot may offer glasses in their stores, but you’ll need to call to make sure they’re in stock and that they meet the 12312-2 standard.

For its part, Eddie Irizarry RoblesHead of Scientific Dissemination Caribbean Astronomical Society (SAC), explained New day Members of the organization will attend four events organized in different parts of the island where interested members of the public can attend. In these activities, Irizarry Robles added that they will distribute approved glasses for observing the solar eclipse for free or by donation, although he did not elaborate on the amount available per event.

The October 14 astronomical event will be the best eclipse visible in Puerto Rico until 2038. (Shutterstock)

Events that SAC members attend include:

  • If you’re looking for a great place to put your beach chair to watch the eclipse, one of the options is: Fort San Felipe del Moro. SAC members will be available from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm In this activity you can get glasses by donation.
  • An alternative route for those living on the west side Mayaguez University Campus (RUM) of University of Puerto Rico. The activity starts at 10:00 am and lasts till 4:00 pm, especially in the physics department. Glasses will be free, however, quantities are limited, so early arrival is recommended.
  • For its part, Telemundo It will hold an event in Paseo de la Princesa in Old San Juan with some of its reporters and dignitaries. They also offer free glasses and start at 11:00am
  • Meanwhile, in Puerto Rico Convention CenterIn Miramar, will be carried out An excellent educational and observational exhibition of solar eclipses, Starts at 9:00 am The event will feature the participation of talent Wappa TV and team members Environmental Studies. Yesand will extend to 4:00 p.m They will provide glasses with a donation, but the activity will be free.
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On the other hand, SAC will have various equipment to appreciate the event, for example, telescopes with solar filters that will allow to photograph the event using a cell phone or camera.

Those unable to attend any of the activities will be able to view the solar eclipse through images and videos posted by SAC on its social networks. Your Facebook account.

[Conoce aquí todo lo que debes saber sobre el eclipse solar anular que ocurrirá el 14 de octubre]

Misty Tate

"Freelance twitter advocate. Hardcore food nerd. Avid writer. Infuriatingly humble problem solver."

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