Who are the people who elect the President of the United States

The US presidential election took place five weeks ago, but reports suggest that the vote to officially elect the next president will take place only on Monday. BBC.

When Americans go to the polls, they do not vote directly for the president. They actually vote for the group of 538 voters who will form the Electoral College. They will vote on December 14, All 50 states and the District of Columbia certified their election results.

Who can be a voter

The US Constitution only provides for that Voters They cannot be members of Congress I can’t catch it Currently federal operations.

I bRetired Politicians – Former President Bill Clinton voted for his wife Hillary in 2016;

OhLocal officials – New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was a Democrat in 2016; aActivists, campaigners or other persons in a state; Close to the candidates – Donald Trump Jr. was a voter for his father In the 2016 election.

How voters are appointed

Presidential candidate Each political party nominates or votes for its own voter list in the months leading up to election day. Each state has its own rules for electing voters.

Depending on the number of residents, each state has the same number of voters as all members of Congress sent to the U.S. Congress.

Once we know who won the popular vote in a state, we know which parties will send their voters to the Electoral College.

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Voters regulate the way their government votes, so they are generally loyal supporters of their party.

What role do voters play?

Voters have already pledged their support for a particular candidate, so they always vote as they voted.

But there are exceptions. One such case occurred in 2016, when a number of so-called “treacherous voters” – a total of seven – voted for a candidate other than the one they had promised to support (five turned against Clinton, two against Trump).

U.S. states “try to tighten their rules against distrustful voters,” Promotion Laws Thereby removing them from the Electoral College and canceling their votes, If he does not vote as promised, it is an action confirmed by the US Supreme Court.

Author: Monica Ponia

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