Why does internet slow down in Cuba during long blackouts?

Many users in Cuba are surprised and worried by the widespread blackouts on the island due to poor connection to Wi-Fi networks or mobile data from their cell phones. It happens everywhere, not in a particular place. Why does internet slow down in Cuba during long blackouts? This was answered from ETECSA in Matanzas.

According to Telebandera media, many people are upset about the situation of their internet in Cardenas, Madanzas, where they pay very expensive bills when the power goes out. So, they agreed from the telco to explain what was going on.

Jesús Bethencurt, head of the ETECSA telecommunications center in Cardenas, said that “when there is a disruption in the power flow, the radiobase system automatically switches to backup batteries and continues to emit a signal.”

“These batteries are used for between two or three hours at most, in which they keep the mobile phone network active,” he adds.

Description of Etexa in Cuba on bad internet with blackouts

“If the power outage lasts, as it has for 5 and 6 hours in a row over the past week, the batteries are discharged and recharged only after the power service is restored for two hours,” he continued.

“When this happens (batteries are discharged) backup systems stop emitting a signal, and mobile devices have to use other antennas within the same city, which causes more traffic to the active antenna and slows down the network of data transmission. The capacity of that point is saturated, which has to take the additional connection load” He adds.

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The lack of electricity also affects mobile coverage and landline telephone coverage in some parts of the city, as it does in other parts of the island.

This week ETECSA reminded nationally that access to online services is now available www.etecsa.cu “You can manage from the comfort of your home: top up your Nauta and Nauta Hogar accounts, consult and pay your phone bill, purchase plans and packages, and PIN and PUK information.”

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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