With the presentation of the book “One more immigrant” by Isabel Nobs, this Friday at 4.30 pm it will be inaugurated in the House Museum of Horacio Quiroga de San Ignacio a space for the Argentine Society of Writers, a subsidiary of Misiones.
Tomorrow, Friday at 4.30 pm, it will be inaugurated in the Horacio Quiroga de San Ignacio house museum «Hall of Missionary Writers», a space for missionary letters given by the Secretary of State for Culture to the authorities of the Argentine Society of Writers, a subsidiary of Misiones. On the occasion, the testimonial book “One more immigrant” by Isabel Nobs will be presented.
The delivery of the space will be made by the Minister of Culture Joselo Schuap, and takes shape after the enhancement of the entire five-hectare estate where the Uruguayan writer lived, and which today has new entrances, buffet service and completely renovated toilets. The schedule to visit it is from Monday to Sunday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Isabel Nobs presents her book
To celebrate the occasion, the book “One more immigrant”, by Isabel Nobs, from the publishing house “Ediciones Misioneras” by Luis Ángel Larraburu, will be presented in the new room. It is a sincere and committed work to rescue the history and workforce of those immigrants whose dreams found fertile ground in our province. It is the testimonial account of a daughter of European immigrants, Swiss on the mother’s side and German on the father’s side, which invites us to discover another facet of pioneer life.
The magic of the Horacio Quiroga House Museum, within everyone’s reach in San Ignaciohttps://t.co/Ynom5NwhrO
– missionsonline.net (@misionesonline) July 12, 2021