Yizette Cifredo cries when she is surprised with a mural inspired by her photo

Host Yizette Cifredo He was surprised this morning to find that he was inspired by a mural he had painted in the building of Calle San Augustine in Puerto de Tierra and Calle Belo.

Not knowing what awaited her, talent “Noticentro at dawn” He arrived at the venue with his fellow journalist Ixa Vasquez, hoping they would talk about a cultural event.

“Oh My God,” was the first revelation the former beauty queen posted after seeing the mural.

Cifredo was so surprised that she raised her hands to her face again and again as a sign of surprise and despair.

“Who did this?” He asked, to which Ixa Vasquez replied that this was a painting by Christian Hernandez, known as the “shipwreck.”

“Thank you with all my heart. It’s really beautiful. You have to tell me the whole story of how they came to this conclusion, but it’s an honor for me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart,” said the manager of the owner of Miss Universe Puerto Rico.

A look at the life of Yzet Cifredo.

Hernandez explained to Noticentro why he had chosen to capture Cifredo on that majestic wall, and that he had been searching for six months to pursue Puerto Rico and its culture and the representative paintings of that quest. In the search, including looking at social networks, he found a photo of the host, in which he is wearing a Puerto Rican flag and a pamba dance skirt against the backdrop of the sea.

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He revealed that it was the community that chose Yiset’s picture to be on the mural. The artist explained that it would take two months to complete.

Gillian Patton

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